I have installed python. Reaper says I have. When I click load or new reaper closes. This happens every time. I can’t use CAT or CARV. I keep googling how to fix it, but nothing works. I’m on windows 8.1
i solved that problem, but when i try to load carv i get:7Script execution error
Hey, stop it.
You’re asking questions that are more about “how do I use a computer” than how to use a very specific tool that is not designed for beginners.
You need to have REAPER 32-bit, and the specific version recommended on here. You need the 32-bit install of Python. You need the RBN plugins which are only available in 32-bit.
Stop posting the same thing in multiple threads multiple times because you don’t understand the basics of computing. Go and do some research, learn, broaden your horizons. Then make sure you have all the required installations.
Then try to use the tools.
Download link is dead, hope for new one ?
I would like to download as well, but it is dead fellas!
Download links still not working.
I am not sure I understand how to use this tool. I was expecting it to show a series of errors found, in intelligible form, but I only get a script execution error. Do we have any instructions anywhere to help understand the error text?
For example in my case I get the script failing in handle_drums line 315, keyerror 104.
I checked that line in the code and it’s a debug line. Am I supposed to figure out my charting mistake by looking at the python code?
your link is dead
You need the 32-bit install of Python.
There is no 32 bit install of Python 2.7.6, there are choices for x86 &x64 only.
Wat do?
Start by realizing that x86 is 32-bit and x64 is 64-bit
I am an idiot.
It’s funny how whenever I Use CAT Tools, they work 100%, but CARV Dosen’t, even though i’m using both 32-bit versions of REAPER & Python. (laughs) Seriously though, wat do?
Image link here (because for some reason the forum won’t let me post images)
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