C3 Automatic Rules Validator (CARV) for REAPER [v1: Jan 21]

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    Oh, didn’t know that. For anyone hunting around, you can download old versions from here:



    Sadly, 4.22 still closes/crashes when I try to use ReaScript.


    Figured out my python problem, I had the PYTHONHOME environment variable pointing to another install of Python. Setting that to C:Python27 fixed it.


    Whoa, this thing is awesome.


    Suggestion: Have it detect lane shifts (which are invalid) on easy/medium pro keys.

      Guys, do NOT go over Reaper 4.22. It will break things (quantizing, track title, etc.) and it will prevent you from using CARV and other future neat features.


      Been using 4.402 for nearly a year and it has been working great for me. Any chance you can get your scripts working properly with a newer version of Reaper? I really don’t want to rock the boat now.


        CARV works on 4.59 (when it does work — I realize that it’s been buggy on projects with non-RBN authoring practices, like imported MIDIs), but the quantization issues are a good reason to stick with the old ones if you don’t want to change your workflow.


        Any idea why this error is popping up?



        There is nothing missing on any of the charts that I can think of and all difficulties are present. It’s happening on two different projects.


          Make extra sure you have no unallowed notes, like medium or easy hopos.


            How about this one?



            The test_suite.rpp project worked as it should. This error is from a new project that I am starting. So far I have Expert Drums, Guitar, Bass, and most Vocals charted, but absolutely nothing else is added (no OD, fills, prc, reductions, etc.) Should this work at this stage of development or must I wait until the project is more complete? Thanks.

            Make extra sure you have no unallowed notes, like medium or easy hopos.


            I looked through all the charts and did not find anything out of place. Also, if it matter, the projects build in Magma without any issues.

              How about this one?




              The test_suite.rpp project worked as it should. This error is from a new project that I am starting. So far I have Expert Drums, Guitar, Bass, and most Vocals charted, but absolutely nothing else is added (no OD, fills, prc, reductions, etc.) Should this work at this stage of development or must I wait until the project is more complete? Thanks.


              Do you have time signature changes?

                Do you have time signature changes?






                  That might be it. I’m not sure CARV was developed to account for time signature changes (remember we haven’t developed it, it’s an old project pksage revived). Just for a test try to remove those TS changes and check.



                    That might be it. I’m not sure CARV was developed to account for time signature changes (remember we haven’t developed it, it’s an old project pksage revived). Just for a test try to remove those TS changes and check.


                    CARV works on a song I’ve done with many time signature changes, so time signatures wouldn’t be the problem. But since the error ws54 posted is the exact same as the one that BravoGangUS posted on the first page. I suggest making your EVENTS track compile ready (adding the music_start, music_end, end events. Possibly practice sections too). That solved Bravo’s problem so it should solve yours too.




                    Any idea why this error is popping up?



                    There is nothing missing on any of the charts that I can think of and all difficulties are present. It’s happening on two different projects.


                    I had that exact same error, and the error was due to some blank meta events in my harm3 track. Go into the MIDI editor for your vocals tracks, and go into Events List mode (alt+3) and check for any abnormal events (abnormal being any event that isn’t a Track Name, Text Event or Lyric). Also make sure that you only have one Track Event at the very beginning of the track.

                    I had that exact same error, and the error was due to some blank meta events in my harm3 track. Go into the MIDI editor for your vocals tracks, and go into Events List mode (alt+3) and check for any abnormal events (abnormal being any event that isn’t a Track Name, Text Event or Lyric). Also make sure that you only have one Track Event at the very beginning of the track.


                    Thanks for the help. I did manage to find some vocal slide “+” notes as text events instead of lyrics, but sadly nothing else unusual and I’m still having the same issue.


                    Could this be something specific to a GH conversion? Has anyone successfully used this tool on a conversion?

                      CARV works on a song I’ve done with many time signature changes, so time signatures wouldn’t be the problem. But since the error ws54 posted is the exact same as the one that BravoGangUS posted on the first page. I suggest making your EVENTS track compile ready (adding the music_start, music_end, end events. Possibly practice sections too). That solved Bravo’s problem so it should solve yours too.


                      I had the music_start, music_end, end events. After I added the practice sections then the error went away. Thanks for the tip.

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