building vocal con test file

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  • #388887

    i was wanting to test the vocals charted for the song i’m working on & it runs through magma perfectly but when it gets to the lip sync compiler it gives me the error “Project Compiler: Entering Phase 3 of 5…

    Lip Sync Compiler: Starting…

    RBA Build ended at 1:30 AM.


    It looks like there was an error creating the RBA file.

    Stopping here…”


    am i doing something wrong? i’m using Magma: C3 Roks Edition 1.1.5 yet i can’t build the rba file


      am i doing something wrong? i’m using Magma: C3 Roks Edition 1.1.5 yet i can’t build the rba file


      No error given? Check that all data needed is there, including the album art.


        Lip Sync Compiler: Starting…

        RBA Build ended at 1:30 AM.


        that tells you the problem is with your lipsync file, as MagmaCompiler crashed during lip sync.


          that tells you the problem is with your lipsync file, as MagmaCompiler crashed during lip sync.


          Not necessarily. With Magma C3 I got that same “no error” issue when I didn’t choose an album art and used the C3 standard album art. I had no idea what it was until I realised I didn’t select an album art. I did so and it compiled. Since you need to add an album art anyway I didn’t think much of it.


            why haven’t you mentioned that? it should be compiling using the C3 album art when no album art is provided.


            regardless, this is different. the process is crashing after starting the lip sync compiler according to what was mentioned in the OP. that comes down to the lip sync files.


            do you have the correct files? 16-bit mono 16,000hz files in every required harm part?


            the dryvox are rendered correctly, the only thing im missing from magma is the album art. i didn’t think that would affect it though


              Try changing the album art and then compile the project. if that works and obviously it’s the album art if that still doesn’t work package it up and send it to me and I will give it a look. If it is the album art then let me know because i need to fix it.


              would it affect the lipsync if when i rendered them, i dragged them to 3.1.000 in reaper so it syncs up with the chart because i threw a count-in to start the song off.


              also nemo, forgot to mention this…i pm’d u a link to my reaper project with all the files u would need for it


                sorry i didn’t get a chance to look at the file during the day.


                the magma project you sent only has vocals and backing checked off. vocals have “vocals-001.wav” but that file is not one of the ones you sent me. same thing for “dryvox” “dryvox2” and “dryvox3″…assigned to the respective dry vox fields but the actual audio files are not included with the files you sent. same thing for the backing track…”back-001.wav” is not included.


                also, midi file in the project is “midi_export.mid” … which is not included in the package you sent me.


                so none of the audio files the project is trying to use are included in the package you sent me. that’s your first problem I suppose <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


                ill fix that now then, i didnt know it was missing files…i thought i added them all in. also if i look at the midi that reaper gives me when i export, the tempo map is missing…it just has the first tempo marker at the very beginning but none of the others yet i know i put them in & they are in the rpp yet they aren’t wanting to export to the midi?


                  Here are my observations


                  1 – Tempo markers should be placed at the start of the measure. You have them all over the place….more importantly, if the song has a fixed tempo map, you don’t need to keep putting the same tempo marker every measure…you have 126 almost every measure, at the wrong part of the measure, for the entire song….that’s wrong.


                  2 – Tempo map is exporting fine on my end, but it may be based on your REAPER settings and not the project settings. When you go to export, make sure you have “Embed tempo map” checked.


                  3 – When you solo an instrument in Reaper, you only hear those instruments. But when you export, you are still exporting every other track in your project. You can see this when you export and it tells you it exported 15 tracks when you only have solo’d the vocals, harm1,harm2,harm3, beat and events = 6 tracks. you need to MUTE the tracks you don’t want to be exported.


                  4 – The lipsync issue is with your dryvox2 and dryvox3 files. I don’t know what it is, but it’s those files. I did what I suggested in #3, so now only your vocals were exporting. I looked at the midi and it’s fine. If I disabled harmonies and only had Vocals with dryvox, it compiles fine, if I re-enable harmonies and assign dryvox to all three parts, it compiles fine. If I assign dryvox2 or dryvox3 to them, same error. If you rename dryvox2 or dryvox3 to dryvox, and use that, still the same error. So it’s not based on the file name, it’s based on dryvox2 and dryvox3 being, somehow, messed up.


                  We’ll need someone able to spot the problem to help you. The three files look the same to me in SoundForge = 16-bit, 16000Hz, mono. They play back fine. No idea.


                  Unfortunately, when we started messing with MagmaCompiler.exe to disable some of the checks, some things are going to get a little messed up. So I don’t know if it’s a change we did or not. Like i said, dryvox compiles fine. Dryvox2 and dryvox3 don’t, which leads me to believe it’s an audio issue somehow.


                  well, strangely after re-rendering the original stems for harm2 & 3 it builds perfectly with no errors at lipsync so it might just be because i was doing a render on top of a render…dunno but it builds with no errors so i’m not complaining.

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