Bsbloom Customs – Update: 9/26/20 Soul Sacrifice

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      I know Psym released a guitar only custom of Hocus Pocus Focus a while back. Will have to see what is the difference between the charts.


        Sideshow wrote:

        I know Psym released a guitar only custom of Hocus Pocus Focus a while back. Will have to see what is the difference between the charts.


        That’s what got me interested in this. The chart has disappeared from his thread, but it was for Hocus Pocus Live. When I couldn’t get a copy of the rbcon, I found the Phaseshift file it was based on, and made myself a rock band copy. I didn’t like the sound nearly as much as the song I remembered, so dug up the studio version from one of my very old CD’s.


        I don’t know why he removed the chart from his offerings, but we seem to have no Focus available now.


        So, I decided to chart the original. I keep hoping Psym will re-release the live custom, but the whistling, yodeling, and flute sound much better in studio.


          Your right. The one Psym released is from a Live recording. Here is the con for anybody who wants to check it out.


 … ocus+Pocus


            Thanks. Good to have that one back.


              Thanks for the Cream!


                really surprised to see someone still has my chart from old fof thread after all that time. thanks for more cream




                  That’s a lot of great stuff. If I had less on my plate right now I would offer to help fill some of it out. Once I get some of it cleared off I’ll check back and see if anything still needs doing.


                  Keep up the great work!

                    really surprised to see someone still has my chart from old fof thread after all that time. thanks for more cream

                    Once I decided to do some Cream, I searched FOF. I found two links on your thread, and Blitzbob’s drums only White Room. On your thread, NSU still worked, but I Feel Free failed. If you still have that around, post a new link and I’ll try to convert it.

                      Once I decided to do some Cream, I searched FOF. I found two links on your thread, and Blitzbob’s drums only White Room.

                      Dibs on vocals <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>

                        Once I decided to do some Cream, I searched FOF. I found two links on your thread, and Blitzbob’s drums only White Room.

                        Dibs on vocals <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

                        I have a G/B/D version using Yakyro’s Guitar/Bass track and Blitzbob’s drums if you are interested in a good starting point?

                          really surprised to see someone still has my chart from old fof thread after all that time. thanks for more cream

                          Once I decided to do some Cream, I searched FOF. I found two links on your thread, and Blitzbob’s drums only White Room. On your thread, NSU still worked, but I Feel Free failed. If you still have that around, post a new link and I’ll try to convert it.



                          I still have this chart, but I’ll only be able to upload it in 3 months (I’m in the army now). I also have all the charts from my thread.

                          BTW Cream is my favorite classic rock band and I’m really pleased to see any of their songs available.

                          I also noticed cream discography thread in wip section on fof forums

                            Once I decided to do some Cream, I searched FOF. I found two links on your thread, and Blitzbob’s drums only White Room.

                            Dibs on vocals <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>

                            I have a G/B/D version using Yakyro’s Guitar/Bass track and Blitzbob’s drums if you are interested in a good starting point?

                            Yes sir. Shoot me a PM.


                            thanks for fixing the links and the update!


                              Three full albums this month – mostly guitar only. First up, the third of my Nightwish conversions – Oceanborn. The first two albums were charted by Mustis666 and Tadracing99, excellent charters, but they only did one of the bonus tracks for this, Sleeping Sun. The rest of the album was charted by Guilherme. That is a bit unfortunate, for two reasons. For starters, there are no drum charts, a real shame. So, the only drumming here is on Sleeping Sun. Also, the author didn’t care much for tempo maps, so the conversion process was very slow. The final charts are pretty good, but far from perfect. Please, if you spot errors, let me know, and I’ll try to fix.






                              Downloads are here:


                              Next up, Legendary Tales by Rhapsody of Fire. These were charted by Quinthero, and are wonderful charts – a pleasure to work with, and great fun to play. Again, guitar only.


                              There are ten tracks on the album, but two are very short. Following Quinthero’s lead, I treated these as though they were intros to the following song, so there are only eight rbcons. Of those ten tracks, the author charted seven, and I did the other three.





                              Downloads are here:


                              Finally, continuing with my Eric Clapton obsession, all of Blind Faith’s only album:





                              Downloads are here:


                                Can you om me the project files for Blind Faith? I will add drums to those for sure <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

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