Brand New to creating custom songs for Rock Band – Best place to start?

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  • #397172

      Hi Everyone, I’m interested in creating charts, but only for drums. mostly Expert Pro level, but might dabble with easier difficulties if I get good at this…

      What is a good place for me to start? Not interesting in RB4 yet because all my songs are on Xbox, and I don’t have a PDP adapter to play the later versions, so I’m waiting for some future solution for that. (hopefully, I don’t have $500 to blow an that rare adapter).

      Is the tutorial content here still applicable in this day and age with creating custom songs? I see a lot of it is pretty old…does anyone have this down really well with drums that is willing to help be get started into this world? I have some awesome drum-friendly tracks I’d like to create…

      Thanks in Advance.

      – Brett


        You’re off to a terrible start.




          What do you mean? I see the tutorials, I even mentioned that, but I also saw the dates on some of these posts..4-7 years old, so I was concerned it was out of date and no longer applicable. If they are, then feel free to disregard.


            What do you mean? I see the tutorials, I even mentioned that, but I also saw the dates on some of these posts..4-7 years old, so I was concerned it was out of date and no longer applicable. If they are, then feel free to disregard.

            All the tutorials and tools are still applicable. Be sure to get a compatible version of reaper so you can use CAT to do difficulties for you <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              What do you mean? I see the tutorials, I even mentioned that, but I also saw the dates on some of these posts..4-7 years old, so I was concerned it was out of date and no longer applicable. If they are, then feel free to disregard.


              I was responding to the title of your post. Then I read the body of it, and I was like, meh, i’ll leave it.


              This is still a relative active forum. Those threads I pointed out are very active. Whether the original posted materials are outdated or not, those threads are clearly still the place to go in for info.


              Far too many people come on here, do zero effort in researching, then post “how do I do X” and while it’s not your fault because you’re only one person, it’s very frustrating for those of us who have been here for six years and see it happen over and over.



                I was responding to the title of your post. Then I read the body of it, and I was like, meh, i’ll leave it.


                This is still a relative active forum. Those threads I pointed out are very active. Whether the original posted materials are outdated or not, those threads are clearly still the place to go in for info.


                Far too many people come on here, do zero effort in researching, then post “how do I do X” and while it’s not your fault because you’re only one person, it’s very frustrating for those of us who have been here for six years and see it happen over and over.

                Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that, I’ll dive into this more before asking questions; I appreciate all your hard work.

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