Avenged Sevenfold – The Stage FB

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  • #394961

    Hello all!


    I saw that there was a lot of A7X songs available on the custom list. It would be awesome to have their latest album The Stage, with all difficulties and FB, I know it is a lot of work to do, but again, it would be awesome, this album is very good IMO.


    Thanks <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      “The Stage” (the title track) is Rock Band 4 DLC, and it’s against the rules to make customs of officially-available songs.


      EDIT: Misread this post, my apologies. It’s alright to request the rest of the album, though yeah if you have RB4 make sure to buy the title track, it looks fun.


        “The Stage” (the title track) is Rock Band 4 DLC, and it’s against the rules to make customs of officially-available songs.


        EDIT: Misread this post, my apologies. It’s alright to request the rest of the album, though yeah if you have RB4 make sure to buy the title track, it looks fun.


        Don’t feel bad, I did the same thing at first. Very misleading title lol


        But yeah this album was pretty great, full album or not I’d take some tracks from it!


        Too bad for the title track, didn’t know for it <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

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