AJFOne’s Customs 6/3 – Broken links????
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I’ve got some announcements about future releases for fans and collaborators of mine. I want to apologize for lack of output lately. It hasn’t been due to plans for songs. I’ve got enough of those for years to come but between school and personal drama I’ve been unable to maintain my output. I had some packs planned but I think at this point it’s best to due weekly single releases. My goal is to do at least one release of my own as well as helping with releases for other authors that I’ve promised. If I can do more then great but at least you’ll be getting something instead of a bunch of nothing.
Hope everything is ok. And whatever you produce will be gratefully received.
You’re already a community legend and have absolutely spoiled all of us for a long, long time. And you’re right, decreased output is better than no output! So handle your business. We’ll still be here
Everything those two gentlemen above me already said. You have put out a fantastic body of work. Both in contributions to the site as well as in output for the game. You have released enough customs for several people to retire on with a sense of satisfaction. Take your time and take care
Bah! Look at everyone letting you off easy. Not me…get back to work slacker!! J/K, you know you’re the bomb. One a week plus contribution? I guess you’ll just have to settle for above average instead of interstellar.
I want to apologize for lack of output lately. It hasn’t been due to plans for songs.
Mate I can’t believe you’re actually apologizing… you’re one of the legends of this place even if you never release another song. You just finished one of the most brilliant and ambitious projects seen here (even though I’m not a Weird Al fan personally, I can see just how impressive your project was). You were a part of so many cool releases. (And you introduced me to the Lemon Twigs! so thanks for that). So yeah if you need to take a break or tone it down, no problem. I believe I’m speaking on behalf of everyone here, we’re grateful for all you’ve done and we’ll be happy to take whatever you release.
Hope everything will work itself out in your life!
Thanks guys for the kind words. I’ve also been taking my health much more seriously and that’s taking a lot of my free time. But don’t worry I’ll find a happy balance. I’ll have something out this weekend
Even if you were to stop posting anything else for release….. The work you and your crew have done for this community is a landmark.
I’m confident that you will find a nice balance and all will fall into a good positive groove for you! Just keep paddling for that wave….that sweet ride is just around the corner! ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
Thanks for more Soundgarden, my friend! ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
Coming soon from AJ and company……..
Awesome…I have Friday on my mind!!
Fridays are gonna be Zappaniacalkrunkalicious!!
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
You can blame a 6 hour podcast where the host goes through all 60 plus albums released in his lifetime for rekindling my enthusiasm ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
great idea! his songs are fun in RB!
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
You are about to leave Rhythm Gaming World and access the external songs DB. While no song or file sold for commercially available videogames is hosted there and only fan generated content is allowed, Rhythm Gaming World has no direct control over the database and no files are hosted here. Alright, we had to made you aware of this, now you can visit the database!