A message for our French friends

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      We have a few authors and members who are from France and I want to tell them that I feel for them in this moment and that I hope all of their friends and family members are safe. There are no words that can heal this tragedy but the French people is proud and strong and will be back on its feet with its values of liberté, égalité, and fraternité.


      France is a modern and civil country and no single act of barbarism, no matter how heinous, will bring that society to its knees. These acts wound us but our societies are strong enough to survive. We, who believe in equality, freedom and peace, are one people and when bloodthirsty Medieval rejects hurt one of us, they hurt us all. Stay strong my friends.

      Dash Riprock



        Thanks my friend


          Thanks a lot <3


          Our thoughts & prayers go out to Paris.

          We wish you and your loved ones our deepest condolences in these tragic times.

          Be Safe Stay Strong !


            It’s appalling acts like this, executed with utter contempt for life itself, that leave deep wounds in the lives of innocent people all over our world.

            We feel for you and wish you strength and solace during this time of sadness.


            Thanks guys. One can only hope we’ll stay strong and united. Not the first time and probably won’t be the last, unfortunately.

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