2x Bass on Legacy C3 releases

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    I’ve been noticing that some songs from the C3 Legacy database have been missing the 2x Bass version. I managed before, because the C3 Legacy databse still worked, but now all the links are broken. Would it be possible to add them? The ones I would want the most are Juular, Love? by Strapping Young Lad, the Dream Theater songs and the Nightmare Lyre songs.


      Great! Thanks


        I have recently added a few Dream Theater songs to my collection, downloading them from the regular database, NOT the legacy. Are they REALLY the 1x bass drum versions? Because to me they seem impossible to play without two pedals even at Hard. If that’s true, I can’t imagine how the 2x versions might be <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


          I have recently added a few Dream Theater songs to my collection, downloading them from the regular database, NOT the legacy. Are they REALLY the 1x bass drum versions? Because to me they seem impossible to play without two pedals even at Hard. If that’s true, I can’t imagine how the 2x versions might be <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


          keep practicing. ghost notes and double bass seem impossible at first but your stamina will improve



            keep practicing. ghost notes and double bass seem impossible at first but your stamina will improve

            But with one pedal, are they possible without breaking it?


              But with one pedal, are they possible without breaking it?


              no they aren’t really. either your ankle or your stock pedal will break. If you don’t already have an electronic kit I would highly recommend one. For the serious drummer the experience is night and day.


                Harmonix was (and is) absolutely awesome for introducing drumming to the masses, but yeah, if you find yourself becoming serious about drumming and striving for full-combos on those devil-tiered songs, you will quickly run into limitations only an e-kit can help you overcome. If the pedal doesn’t break on you, the outside drum pads will. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

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