10 Things You Should Never Ask a Gay Person

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      Hey everyone! I was thinking about how sometimes people can be a bit insensitive without even realizing it. I wanted to start a discussion about things that are considered inappropriate to ask gay people. What do you think are some questions that should be avoided?


        Hey everyone! I’ve been reflecting on how some questions, though unintentional, can be quite insensitive when directed at gay individuals. I believe it’s crucial to foster understanding and respect by avoiding certain inquiries. For instance, questions about someone’s sexual orientation or personal experiences can often be inappropriate. To start a meaningful discussion, check out this insightful article https://taimiapp.medium.com/10-things-you-should-never-ask-a-gay-person-f1dfc9cfc299 What are your thoughts on questions that should be avoided?


          Definitely. Another one I’ve seen is asking someone, “Why are you gay?” It implies that being gay is a choice or something that needs an explanation, which isn’t fair at all. It’s important to remember that sexual orientation isn’t something people need to justify.

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