Reply To: Rock Band: Harmonies Project Requests


    I think the RBHP project is a perfect way to break in people who want to help but who are not familiar with Reaper and customs creation in general. Pro drums upgrade are really simple to do and some harmony upgrades are basically a matter of copying, pasting and transposing. And after that, keys may be not that difficult thing to do for songs with simple synth parts.


    Espher does an insane amount of work, so any help I’m sure is very appreciated and it’s a perfect way to learn the ropes. If you want to contribute but you don’t know much about tempo map, actual charting, passing through Magma, etc, this is your chance. I’m sure that if, along with your requests, those of you who want to help but don’t know much about customs submit their name to lend a hand (on the same track you want to see upgraded or tracks that are easy enough to start tinkering with), espher won’t mind at all. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”> And you can also start getting involved in authoring, which is pretty cool. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>

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