Surprising omissions from Band centered games.

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  • #398033

      The main games being:

      GH Aerosmith, GH Van Halen, GH Metallica, The Beatles Rock Band, Green Day Rock Band


      I’m excluding AC/DC Rock Band due to it being very different than the others & it’s hard to judge Live performances. This is something I just thought was fun to examine


      GH Aerosmith:

      There’s a few that definitely needed to be included especially for hardcore Aerosmith fans.

      1. Seasons of Wither – While it has been added in RB4, it would have been fantastic in GHA.

      2. Jaded – An underrated song for sure in my opinion. We did get “Beyond Beautiful” from Just Push Play, but not this wonderful song.

      3. Cryin’ or Crazy – Both great songs. Cryin’ would eventually be added into GH Warriors of Rock

      4. I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing – Arguabley their biggest hit, I can understand it not making sense for a Guitar oriented game but it’s still a hit nonetheless.


      GH Van Halen:

      While I don’t really believe they need to add any other songs since they had included alot of their biggest hits, this is at least one song that could have been added.

      1. Women In Love… – From VH II. While a bunch from this album were included this underrated hit was not.


      GH Metallica:

      Without a doubt one of the best band oriented games. Between graphics & setlist this is a masterpiece especially for fans of Metallica.

      1. Trapped Under Ice – Yes, it was included in GHWT but this is just such a great song that would definitely fit at home in GHM.

      2. The Call of Ktulu – A solid Instrumental song. If Van Halen can have Guitar Solo, why can’t Metallica include an instrumental?


      The Beatles Rock Band:

      Where do I even begin with this… SO MANY. Btw, Let It Be & Hey Jude is understandable not to include as they’re very key’s/piano heavy. Also why did they heavily focus on their later years?

      1. Help! – The title track to the Help! album. Seriously why not include it if you’re going to add “Ticket to Ride” from the Help! album?

      2. I Need You – A George Harrison song from the Help! album. Why were there such a lack of Help! album songs?

      3. We Can Work It Out – A single that I personally love so very much. I just love it so much.

      4. From Me To You, She Loves You – 2 Very important Beatles Singles. So confused to not see them.

      5. Please Please Me, Love Me Do – 2 Great songs from their debut album.


      Green Day Rock Band:

      My favorite band of all time. Sure they have Dookie, American Idiot, & 21 Century Breakdown but missed a big chunk of their career.

      1. Anything from Kerplunk! – A big question people often ask is why they skipped both the debut & the 1992 Kerplunk! album. Songs like “2000 Light Years Away” & “Who Wrote Holden Caulfield” would have fit great on GDRB.

      2. Walking Contradiction – A bigger hit that got a music video. It very much would have fit.

      3. J.A.R. – SUCH an underrated GD hit. Why didn’t they add this as a single?

      4. Waiting – As far as I know it was a bigger hit than some other songs in the discography. Drums are so much fun on this one as well as vocals.


        I only have GHVH and TBRB and they both have awesome songs selections.


        The glaring miss of GHVH was to completely ignore the Sammy Hagar period, but that must have clearly been a licensing choice. Otherwise there are at least 15-20 fantastic tracks with Hagar… just on the top of my head: Summer Nights, Dreams, Get Up, 5150, Source of Infection, Poundcake, Man on a Mission, Right Now, Spanked, Runaround, Top of the World, Amsterdam, Take me Back…


        For TBRB it is simply impossible to list what’s missing. The Beatles have recorded over 200 songs and there are at least 195 gems among them. It’s easier to say I would have skipped Wild Honey Pie and Revolution 9. Maybe <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          GH Aerosmith:

          2. Jaded – An underrated song for sure in my opinion. We did get “Beyond Beautiful” from Just Push Play, but not this wonderful song.


          you are aware I released this one?


            Oh yes, I have it downloaded, I also thanked you on the release when it was first available. I’ve played it several times aready haha.


              just making sure lol. I was surprised myself no one had done it officially or otherwise


              aerosmith-dude looks like a lady


                aerosmith-dude looks like a lady

                Shit, forgot about that one. Good answer!


                if i recall (for GDR:cool: some of the older album tapes are in poor condition.


                Grabbed from Wikipedia:

                Harmonix wanted to include songs from Green Day’s first two albums, 39/Smooth and Kerplunk, but they were unable to get the proper multitrack recordings. According to Tré Cool, the master tapes for the first two albums exist but are in poor condition, and the process to digitize them would destroy them. After deciding to make Green Day: Rock Band a “three-album game”, Harmonix included additional hits from Insomniac, Nimrod, and Warning.


                I don’t know what’s the deal with the other albums but I probably know the reason why Chump & Longview have DIY multitracks, because they were on the same tape and they were probably in poor condition like the first two albums.


                  I always assumed there was nothing from 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours because they had a different drummer and that would… complicate matters.


                    if i recall (for GDR:cool: some of the older album tapes are in poor condition.


                    Grabbed from Wikipedia:

                    Harmonix wanted to include songs from Green Day’s first two albums, 39/Smooth and Kerplunk, but they were unable to get the proper multitrack recordings. According to Tré Cool, the master tapes for the first two albums exist but are in poor condition, and the process to digitize them would destroy them. After deciding to make Green Day: Rock Band a “three-album game”, Harmonix included additional hits from Insomniac, Nimrod, and Warning.


                    I don’t know what’s the deal with the other albums but I probably know the reason why Chump & Longview have DIY multitracks, because they were on the same tape and they were probably in poor condition like the first two albums.

                    I still have hope that the master tapes for chump and longview are still recoverable


                      “I Need You” is a really random one to pick. George was very heavily represented in game, a lot of non-trivial choices like “Within You Without You”, “Do You Want to Know a Secret”, “If I Needed Someone”, “I Me Mine”, plus all his big songs.


                      Also, “I Am the Walrus” is pretty piano-based (there’s barely any guitar) and it’s on-disc, so why not Hey Jude?

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