Export Customs Web List As Playlist

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  • #397481


      There are so many customs out, I’m sure there are some I would love but I haven’t even heard most of them. I know how to make a list once the customs are downloaded. But what I’m looking for is a single list of all the available customs. There is a bunch of playlist converter services that allow text to Spotify/YouTube/iTunes playlist converters, so I guess I’m just looking for a way to scan the database for song names or a way to stitch all the pages into one. I remember using a chrome extension a long time ago that automatically loads the next page of a website right under the previous one so you could just keep scrolling. That could help but I can’t find it.


      Sent from my VOG-L29 using Tapatalk


        There is already a clever forum member who made a spotify list of all (or almost all) customs. I know because I listen to it daily <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        Link to thread: http://customscreators.com/index.php?/topic/10451-spotify-playlist-of-custom-database/?fromsearch=1


          There is already a clever forum member who made a spotify list of all (or almost all) customs. I know because I listen to it daily <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Link to thread: http://customscreators.com/index.php?/topic/10451-spotify-playlist-of-custom-database/?fromsearch=1

          Thank you! But what if they stop updating and/or the songs aren’t available on Spotify?


            Thank you! But what if they stop updating and/or the songs aren’t available on Spotify?

            Stop updating > copy playlist to your own > make public > update it yourself! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


            For missing songs I guess there’s not much to do. Spotify has almost everything but probably not so many videogame songs or j-pop (some authors like making a lot of those). YouTube will probably miss even more, as a lot of unlicensed music is taken off. There’s no system that has everything.


              Is there a way to either export the entire database to Excel? OR is there a way to filter on author. I have learned there seems to be a few authors that I tend to download often – similar music taste. I would be interested to see all of their releases in order to identify new artists, etc.


              Sorry in advance if this is old topic or taboo. I did spend some time searching to find this post…

                Is there a way to either export the entire database to Excel? OR is there a way to filter on author. I have learned there seems to be a few authors that I tend to download often – similar music taste. I would be interested to see all of their releases in order to identify new artists, etc.


                It’s not very obvious, but it is possible to filter on author. You have to know the author’s forum ID, which you can get by visiting their profile (clicking on their user name) and then looking at the web URL or the line that says “Magma C3 Author ID”. For example, your ID is 7567. Then, plug the ID into this URL:


                You can see this in action by clicking on the “Releases” link in my signature.


                Someone else may know of a more direct way of seeing each author’s customs, but I know this works at least. Fortunately once you have a given author’s link, you can bookmark it for easier access later.


                  Nice! Thanks for the reply. This will get it done!



                    It’s not very obvious, but it is possible to filter on author. You have to know the author’s forum ID, which you can get by visiting their profile (clicking on their user name) and then looking at the web URL or the line that says “Magma C3 Author ID”. For example, your ID is 7567. Then, plug the ID into this URL:


                    You can see this in action by clicking on the “Releases” link in my signature.


                    Someone else may know of a more direct way of seeing each author’s customs, but I know this works at least. Fortunately once you have a given author’s link, you can bookmark it for easier access later.


                    Crack me up…as per usual I am just getting around to playing with the search you informed me of. I clicked on your releases link…turns out you are one of my favorites also. Thank you for your work!


                      Thank you! But what if they stop updating and/or the songs aren’t available on Spotify?


                      I will never tire of updating.

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