Do you think you’ll ever stop playing?

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      I personally have been playing Guitar Hero & Rock Band games since I was like, like really little. Id play Guitar Hero 1, 2, Rocks the 80s, & 3 then eventually I moved up to Guitar Hero World Tour played that for awhile, then got bored of that & moved on to Green Day Rock Band since I was & am a huge fan of Green Day & my friend got me into it. I then got Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock for Christmas the year it came out (2010) with the Guitar bundle. I was into the WII at that point so I got it for that system. I was playing Rock Band 1 & 2 with my buddy who used to live next door. An older fella who drummed while I played guitar & another friend sang. Strangely enough he looked exactly like Geddy Lee. We played mainly Rock Band 1 & 2 & Guitar Hero 5 (Rush Fan, go figure haha). My friend who got me into Green Day Rock Band was the one who also got me into Rock Band 3. I used to play it a lot, but I used to actually be into guitar & vocals on it, instead of what I master now which is Pro-Drums & vocals. Its crazy the evolution Ive had with these games. Growing up with these games I would have never even fathomed custom songs to be a thing neither would anyone of those Ive played it with. The funny thing is, Ive gotten so many people into Rock Band simple because of the wide variety of music on it, its got so much for everyone to play or to jam out to… but when we decide to stop playing? That is the million dollar question. Well for me Im going to play maybe less as I get older but like play for activity since I drum, its also fun to play songs harder than Im used to to see if Im getting better which 9x out of 10 I am. Its also fun for friends to come over & play. Id say maybe less but not altogether, maybe if its an inconvenience. What do you guys think?


        Thanks to customs, I’ll probably stop playing when I’m dead. For the most part I only ever played by myself anyway, so any gatherings frrom here on out will just be a happy bonus.


          Thanks to customs, I’ll probably stop playing when I’m dead. For the most part I only ever played by myself anyway, so any gatherings frrom here on out will just be a happy bonus.

          That’s exactly what I’m thinking for myself too haha.


          As long as I have a place to play customs on drums, I’ll always be playing <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


            Customs what keep people playing Guitar Hero/Rock Band because it has a huge variety of music like listening to mp3 player. I have all 7 player full band on my RB3 and songs from 1956 – present. I was about 11 yrs. old when Guitar Hero 1 came out on PS2 in 2005. I got hook up to that game and kept playing. Now, I’m 24 yrs. old playing Guitar Hero/Rock Band over 10 years. I’m loyal to the games and never stop playing until I can’t play anymore. The good thing that you get your family and friends to play as a band, using at parties, conventions, and etc. It’s pretty much a non-stop. There are always new songs no matter what. Guitar Hero/Rock Band community will live on forever.


              Rock Band 3 has been my favorite game since release. I never get bored. There are 10 instruments to choose from! Unlike the 4 in RB4. The only time I get bored is when I get tired of an instrument. Then I switch to another instrument. Every since Pro Keys came out, this has been pretty much the only video game I’ve played (Other than Peggle, Night Squad, and some Overcooked!). Even if the game is dead to everyone else. I have customs, xbl friends, and randoms. I also like playing those songs over 15 minutes. I’m so glad I discovered this community.


                Strictly speaking, if you count 10 instruments in RB3, you have to count 6 instruments in RB4, since RB4 retains harmonies and pro drums.


                Otherwise, 100% agreed. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                  Oh yeah… True. I still don’t understand why RB4 exists. RIP Pro Keys and Pro Guitar


                    Oh yeah… True. I still don’t understand why RB4 exists. RIP Pro Keys and Pro Guitar

                    That’s why I like RB3 because we can play pro instruments and learning music. Way better than RB4.


                      That’s why I like RB3 because we can play pro instruments and learning music. Way better than RB4.

                      The only thing you can learn in RB4 is how to sing the song, and how to drum the song.


                        Does my input count if I already stopped playing years ago? :-(


                          Honestly, I feel like at some point I’ll get tired of it and just stop for a while. As long as the customs community is around, though, I’ll probably be playing and charting.


                            Rock Band: Never Stop Never Stopping.


                              Rock Band: Never Stop Never Stopping.




                                I don’t play the games anymore, and if I did run though any charts/customs in Reaper or EoF, it would be to practice my drumming. I’m strictly an author at this point.


                                  I’ve had RockBand games for only half a year so far, thus I definitely feel like I have only just started <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

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