Autmatic drums transcription

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  • #396670

    Dear all,


    I’m a computer scientist who works on automatic drums transcription during my spare time. I believe that C3’s custom songs database is a valuable source of annotated data to train automatic drums transcription algorithms such as ADTLib (


    Those software/algorithms, try to infer the drums transcription of an audio file automatically, usually with the help of machine learning techniques. But, one of the main issues of this field currently is the lack of training data, which consist of music files annotated with drums events such as customs songs!


    Thus, I started a software project to help automatic drums transcription people access those data in the hope that they use it and improve their algorithms. In return, we may be able to use the computer to generate quality annotations of tracks automatically. You can access the draft of the project here:


    I came here to share my idea and maybe find people interested in this project, or people having similar ideas.

    I would also like to ask if there is a convenient way to download the integrality of the customs songs easily, or if you are aware of other places to find custom tracks. I started to look around and found those links so far:





      It’s an interesting idea to be sure. If drums is your main focus, you could also look into DTXMania, which is a rhythm game focused entirely on drums and whose charts have notation for even more lanes of drum items.


      As far as I know there is no good way to mass download everything from the database as people uses different hosting solutions.

      The only possible way I see is someone coding a script to grab all the download links, but then you still have the hosting problem, some of these host uses anti-robot techniques for download.


        A download manager like JDownloader could take some of the pain out of that, you basically queue up all the hosted links and it will download them. You’ll have to be there to answer captchas unless you have premium accounts for immediate download. You could also see if somebody had organized a bunch of charts into Google drive or something.

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