Fender Precision Bass

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    Someone locally is selling RB3 set. game, keys, drum (non pro) and the Fender Precision bass which appears to be in great condition. I do not need anymore instruments and if I have a 5th drum kit laying around my wife might shit a brick. But for $40. for the lot, is the Guitar worth it? I’ve never played one and I dont know how rare they are. Seems like Amazon has those guitars but for $80 and up.


    Also, Is this guitar wireless? I cant tell. EDIT: its not wireless.

    Fat Halpert

      $40 is a great deal for that entire lot, especially depending on where you live. The Precision Bass typically goes for at least $40 by itself, plus shipping usually adds another 20 bucks to your total. Coming from someone who is an avid collector of all the hardware, I recommend you pick it up.

      You can reach me on Discord: Fat Halpert#3165


        i would definitely pick up the set and then try and sell off whatever you dont need. pick up a really cheap 2nd guitar someone or sell off one you have but dont need and you could possibly come out ahead.


        I have done this countless times and have increased my set of equipment many times over with little to no cost.

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