How to configure to work alesis dm5 hi hat?

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  • #395948
    Hello everyone, I have a problem, I recently bought an edrum alesis dm5 and I have connected it to the xbox using the midi-pro adapter, at the moment it works perfectly with everything except when I want to use the hi hat on open stomping the hi hat pedal to activate the blue cymbal. According to the manual of the midi-pro I have to assign the number 44 to the hi hat pedal in the dm5 module. Is this so or am I wrong? If so, could someone indicate the steps to follow ?
    The truth is I’m still a bit clumsy with the configuration of the edrum and I hope to have explained myself well.
    Thank you very much for the help, I hope I can soon get to play with all ok in my newly acquired dm5.
    A greeting.

      The MPA won’t trigger a blue cymbal for any of the hihat-related MIDI pitch numbers. To make it trigger a blue cymbal, you’d have to have it send one of the ride cymbal MIDI pitches (51, 53, 56, 59). Some but not all MIDI drumkit brains allow you to configure the 2 separate pitches that are sent when you hit it the hihat while open and while closed. You’d have to look around or check the brain’s manual to see if this can be done with yours. I will attest that even if you get this set up correctly, it doesn’t feel too great to play with, because you have to be unnaturally precise and open/close the hihat pedal slightly in advance of the note to make sure the correct note is played.


      The “hihat pedal” function from pitch 44 will, IIRC, produce either a yellow cymbal hit or a kick drum hit, depending on whether you have the RB3 in-game “hihat pedal” setting turned on. Separately, your drum brain should probably also be sending CC#4 (Foot Controller) messages. What these do is just change the sound of the yellow cymbal during fills and before/after the song.


        I ran into this issue a few years ago with my Alesis DM10 brain not allowing open and closed midi not mapping. The Roland TD-12 drum brain is an example brain that allows mapping the blue cymbal midi note to the open hi hat position. I know because I own one. There may be other drum brain manufactures and cheaper models that do this but havn’t researched in a while. Good luck

        Thanks for the answers, I was finally able to configure my Alesis DM5, I had to enter the external trigger menu and from there configure with the pedal pressed the hi-hat with any of the midi notes corresponding to the blue cymbal (MIDI # 51,53, 56,59) and save it in one of the memories that I called Rockband3 set.
        This already allows me to use the hi-hat pedal when I identify that the sound is open, although the game tells me in the blue cymbal, when I lift the pedal and hit the yellow cymbal hi-hat, the blue cymbal is activated, getting play more like a real battery.
        Thanks to this now my left leg stops being useless and I start to use it.
        Thanks again and I hope to have explained myself well, because English is not my native language and I use a translator.
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