A Rick and Morty Request + a few more

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  • #395574

    Hello everyone


    I have stumbled across this little number to do with Rick and Morty and was wondering if anyone would be willing to make it?

    It’s called: I’m Mr. Meeseeks (Rick and Morty remix song)

    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKBbUdfvwrU


    Also I was wondering if anyone was willing to do one song from the late Great David Bowie that’s been completely over looked on this site and not once has anyone done one for it.

    This Gem is (Dance magic Dance) and when I say this I don’t mean the cut down radio edit but the full blown 4 minuet version with the bad ass Guitar solo in it.

    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91hIz-YPsII

    You can probably find a better quality sound file out there but that was for example.


    Next up we have Little Kuriboh but not one person has done the greatest one of his (LEATHER PANTS!) or at least not that I can find after looking.

    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jnCcejkpjg


    Finally I know there is a bit of (The Lonely Island) on here but no one seems to have done (I’m On A Boat) would someone be willing to rectify that and make it?

    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avaSdC0QOUM


    So if anyone is willing to make anyone or all of these you make this girl very happy as I have been trying to get them made for years.









    Is there relay something wrong with my requests as I seem to keep getting ignored?


      Authors will chart what they want to chart. Requests are 99% of the time never fulfilled


      Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


        Authors will chart what they want to chart. Requests are 99% of the time never fulfilled


        Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


        And a big reason for that is because, if the charts are taken seriously, they can take anywhere from 6 – 12 hours to complete (give or take). You need to like a song enough to devote that much time to it.


        Here are some songs “related” to your requests that I want to do:

        Blonde Redhead – For the Damaged Coda (the Evil Morty theme song)

        David Bowie – Fascination


        Yes but one I have requested is David Bowie’s most known film track and from the only film he was the lead in and still no one wants to do it and I cant understand why?


        It may not be so much ‘not wanting to do it’ as not having enough time to commit to doing it. Quite often authors take on songs that don’t see a full release within a whole year. I certainly don’t want to keep anyone’s hope up of seeing a song on the database soon.


          Instead of deleting the thread as per our rules I’m just gonna close it and keep it here so that other people might learn from it. Do not bump your threads, that’s a hard rule. Also, there’s some level 9,000 sense of entitlement here. You want a song so badly? Learn to author and you can have all the songs YOU want, that is exactly what every other author around here has done. Not willing to do it? Beggars choosers.

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