Magma Multiple Tracks Error

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  • #395546

    Magma keeps giving me

    “Your MIDI file has more than one instance of the track name ‘PART DRUMS’. Yes, yes it does. Make sure that the first event for each track is a TRACK NAME event and you don’t have repeated names. You may have one track on top of another and you can’t tell, so move them around in REAPER to find the offending track. It’s there. Look for it. Trust me, I’m a computer program.”

    I went through all the tracks but couldn’t find an overlapping track.

    here’s the link to the RPP file:


      I don’t know why it’s doing this, but Reaper is inserting a second track name event into your drums track using the name of the Reaper track. So you have the one you made that says PART DRUMS and then also the Reaper track is labeled PART DRUMS so it’s making another event with that text. I know it will do that if there is no track name event at 1.1.00, but you certainly seem to have one there that looks correct to me, and I can’t seem to get Reaper to stop making another one by removing and reinserting the name event or adjusting the track position. :psyduck: Maybe someone else has encountered the same issue and can advise? If not I’d just reimport the .mid into a new template project, fix the double event, and hope it stays fixed on export.


        That is also the least of your problems to be honest. You haven’t used the template properly and just imported a MIDI over the original tracks, which is why you’re gonna run into all kinds of issues. Notes on bass and drums are not on a proper grid and have no relation with each other whatsoever, meaning that they are not only both wrong but they are wrong in different ways: you should check them, snap all your notes to grid and make sure you’re authoring what’s actually going on in the song. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”> Also, all your sustains, on guitar too, are too long and all your notes have 0 length, which is what happens if you import notes from EOF without properly working on them. On drums you even have 3 concurrent pad notes… Your BEAT notes start at 2.3.00.


        In short, you need to open a proper project, see exactly how it’s done and then learn from that, if you were exporting this to a MIDI because you were finished working on it it would have literally been unplayable. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


          You should do all that was said, but just to clear up your original issue (since you’ll more than likely have it again even if you start with a clean template), when you import midis or copy paste or whatever you do with them, most times, it will have its own events attached to the tracks. If you look in the very bottom left hand corner in Reaper, you’ll notice a drop down box. If you haven’t touched it, it should say Text Events and you’ll notice a little black dot to the left of it. That means there are events on the track. There should ONLY be events on the Text Events and Velocity options in that long list in the drop down. In your case, you probably have events on multiple options in that drop down. You have to now manually go in where you see that black dot that isn’t a Text Event or Velocity and REMOVE any events on that track. This is where you’ll find your infamous second PART DRUMS.


          To import MIDIs to be honest I just import them in new tracks and only copy what I need from the said MIDI to the template’s tracks, it reduces error potential like that by alot.


            all your notes have 0 length, which is what happens if you import notes from EOF without properly working on them.

            To clarify, EOF exports all notes to be at least 1ms long. Say you wanted to take all the minimum length notes in a track difficulty in EOF, you could use “Edit>Selection>Select>Shorter than” and specify a duration of 2ms to select all notes that are 1ms long. Then you can set a desired length using “Edit>Grid snap>Custom” and define something like 16 intervals per measure. Then scroll wheel up once or press ] once to lengthen all selected notes to that length.


              To clarify, EOF exports all notes to be at least 1ms long.


              I can testify first hand that they appear as 0 in length in Reaper.


                I meant to say all notes export with a minimum of 1 delta tick. Reaper rounds down to 0 it seems, but that would be more of a quirk of that MIDI editor than anything else.


                Just tested it to confirm, and my lyric converter’s debug output proves 1 delta tick:

                Delta file pos=0xF9 Deltas=480 Real time=1336.000000ms Delta time=480 Adj. real time=1336.000000ms Event file pos=0xFB Event: Note on (Channel=0): Note #=96, Velocity=100

                Delta file pos=0xFE Deltas=1 Real time=1338.783333ms Delta time=481 Adj. real time=1338.783333ms Event file pos=0xFF (Running status): Event: Note on (Channel=0): Note #=96, Velocity=0 (NOTE OFF)


                  I understand that but there is no practical reason for a note in a rhythm game to have that length. It should be 1/16th minimum unless the following note is closer than that, etc. That’s the way CAT fixes notes coming from EOF anyway.


                    Different games have different requirements. Reaper shouldn’t be displaying it as a length of 0 ticks/seconds though, because that is wrong. I don’t know whether they intended Reaper to handle short notes that way or if it’s a bug.


                    REAPER was not made for gaming though, it’s made for music and it’s pretty rare that you have 1ms long notes in music, they probably just didn’t think about it, + we are in fact most of us using 4.22 which is a very old version.

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