RB2: How are tug-of-war sections authored?

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      In tug-of-war in official songs, the playable part flips back and forth between the two players, similar to face-off mode in Guitar Hero. If you play tug-of-war in a custom song, iirc both players just play the entire song start to finish.


      How do official songs author the flip-flopping? I’m assuming it’s just another marker, like in Guitar Hero, but I wouldn’t have any idea what note they’re on.


      Here’s an example of tug-of-war if you don’t know what I’m talking about:


        Player 1 on 105, Player 2 on 106 for all instruments. This is used in place of phrase markers in vocal charts pre-RB3. These notes appear as black and light blue in the RBN color maps.


          Player 1 on 105, Player 2 on 106 for all instruments. This is used in place of phrase markers in vocal charts pre-RB3. These notes appear as black and light blue in the RBN color maps.

          Very useful information. Might keep in mind when authoring customs.


            Player 1 on 105, Player 2 on 106 for all instruments. This is used in place of phrase markers in vocal charts pre-RB3. These notes appear as black and light blue in the RBN color maps.


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