Stage Kit

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  • #395189

      Hey all – I managed to bag a good score of RB stuff this week including a bass with the double strummer, another wireless RB1 guitar, RB1 drums and a stage kit all for $60 CDN.


      Everything works good except for maybe a couple of sticky fret buttons which are an easy fix but I cant seem to get the stage kit to work with RB3.


      I tested it with RB2 and it works fine, at least the lights do as I haven’t tested the fog yet.


      So is there anything special that needs to be done to get it to work with RB3 ? And will it work with customs ?




      P.S. – I really need some help with my RB addiction – I cant seem to stop buying more gear !!


        The stage kit doesn’t work with RB3.


          The stage kit does in fact work with RB3. But its not that great compared to what you can get these days in the way of sound activated LEDs. Two of these are way better in my opinion. I also have a couple lasers and some LED banks flanking the sides of the screen. All remote controlled.


          We did the stage kit mod thing (chain a bunch together) but it’s just not that great, not very bright and the fog is fun once or twice then it’s just annoying.

          Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



            so is there something I need to do to get it to work with RB3 ?


              It was patched in with one of the updates, I use TU4 and it works for me. The other downside is that not all of the customs out there have the stage kit light markers in the venue (so the lights will go green or blue and stay that way for the whole song), so if one song doesn’t work try one of the on-disc songs. You can’t be in All Instruments mode because the light controller needs to be the vocalist. Sorry I just plug mine in and it works, I don’t do anything special to enable it.

              Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



              I really recommend buying those Laser Light’s from Ebay or amazon you can get a whole bunch of different varied lights that work for any occasion outside of rock band for a good price.


              The stage kit doesn’t work with RB3.

              It does work with RB3 as I always use mine when playing RB3 and of couse customs. So if you’re on TU4 which you should be if you’re playing customs, you’re good to go! They do work with customs if the author has chosen to do full venue lights etc. If not you will tend to just get a static blue light or sometimes no light at all.


              Some customs work great with the stage kit, like Skrillex – First of the year which is insane and also Bowling for Soup – High School Never Ends really impressed me, its like a disco! haha


              One downside if full band the singer has to use the controller on the lights, which is a pain.

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