Drum Charts for anything from Tesseracts Polaris album

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    I would love to see drums done for anything by Tesseract’s Polaris album. I know there has been a few songs done before but after searching through the forums all the links are empty.


    I know SuperBlooper was said to be working on Tesseract stuff (R.I.P. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” /> ) so maybe Archer or beard216 can help me out getting my hands on some of that stuff?


    Thanks to anyone willing to help out.


      I have the TesseracT stuff, I just haven’t re-uploaded them yet. I’ll get them up tomorrow.


      I also plan to do the rest of TesseracT’s stuff, including the rest of Altered State and One, the only thing they won’t have is Vocals (at least Harmonies, I might do solo) and Pro Keys, so drums will definitely be included. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      Awesome man! Thank you so much! Im looking forward to you doing the rest of the TesseracT stuff. Pretty new here, got a bunch of stuff I’m pretty sure alot of it is stuff you’ve done and its awesome. Cheers!

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