Using a Big rock ending as a sort of freestyle in the middle of a song?

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    Hey, so I’ve been charting a song and I’ve gotten to keys and have found a part that seems a bit difficult to chart, and was wondering if its possible at all to use BRE or something rather than having an overly difficult chart. The song in question is this, and the part I’m talking about is at 2:00 to 2:21.



    I’ve had a look at the Harmonix Docs at the BRE page and it has no mention of whether or not you could chart it in the middle of a song, let alone for only one instrument. Does anyone have any knowledge on the matter? Can it be done, or should I just chart it in such a way that one finger will glide up and down from Green to orange or something?





      I never thought of trying to use a BRE say in the middle of a song. Does Magma even allow it to happen? You would never see this in an official DLC song but this is custom land so why not.


        I’m gonna take a stab in the dark and say no.


        I never thought of trying to use a BRE say in the middle of a song. Does Magma even allow it to happen? You would never see this in an official DLC song but this is custom land so why not.

        I’m not too familiar with the ins and outs of creating customs as I’ve only done 4 songs, but I’ll have a play and see what happens. At least its not a hard ‘no’.


        I don’t know if 5 lane keys supports this, but on pro keys I’m pretty sure you can chart notes as glissandos if the track is all over the place and just playing random things off time.


        I don’t know if 5 lane keys supports this, but on pro keys I’m pretty sure you can chart notes as glissandos if the track is all over the place and just playing random things off time.

        Is there a song that has that? Just curious to see what it looks like


          In all my years of playing Rock Band, not once have I seen a BRE in the middle of the song. You say the part is at the two minute mark, but I checked and the song was four and a half minutes. So I will say no. Take the time to author that part or get help from another author.


          Is there a song that has that? Just curious to see what it looks like


          The Art of Life custom on pro keys has multiple parts like that in the long piano solo. Although, the notes still roughly match keys being hit on piano, it’s just that those parts are completely atonal and trying to accurately chart the specific notes on pro keys would’ve been nearly impossible.


          In all my years of playing Rock Band, not once have I seen a BRE in the middle of the song. You say the part is at the two minute mark, but I checked and the song was four and a half minutes. So I will say no. Take the time to author that part or get help from another author.

          I probably didn’t explain myself properly. What I meant was that I wanted to know if it was possible to chart a BRE on only Keys at approx 2:00 to 2:20 and then continue the song on keys after that, so it would kinda play similar to the fill drummers do when deploying overdrive on drums. I think I’ll just resort to charting it myself because I’m guessing its just not possible.



          The Art of Life custom on pro keys has multiple parts like that in the long piano solo. Although, the notes still roughly match keys being hit on piano, it’s just that those parts are completely atonal and trying to accurately chart the specific notes on pro keys would’ve been nearly impossible.

          Yeah thanks man, that’s what I’ve ended up doing on regular keys


            AFAIK, it is not possible with any instrument.


            In theory it actually could* work…. but it wouldn’t work like you think it would. Also, it may not work if there is any actual hardcoded triggers for duration after.


            Basically, in theory, all a BRE required is the coda text event, and then at least 1 note after on all difficulties to “hit” the BRE.


            Assuming there is no limit to the number or notes after a BRE or a duration after a BRE…… you could put a BRE in the middle. However….. after the BRE the rest of the song would act like the few notes after the song. If the player misses ANY notes until the end of the song, they’d lose the BRE bonus. Also, I believe the BRE Score Overlay thing would stay up on the screen for the rest of the song.


            I’m not even sure how scoring works after a BRE. If it’s normal, then it could still work. Would be fun to have someone build a quick RPP and try ha


            In theory it actually could* work…. but it wouldn’t work like you think it would. Also, it may not work if there is any actual hardcoded triggers for duration after.


            Basically, in theory, all a BRE required is the coda text event, and then at least 1 note after on all difficulties to “hit” the BRE.


            Assuming there is no limit to the number or notes after a BRE or a duration after a BRE…… you could put a BRE in the middle. However….. after the BRE the rest of the song would act like the few notes after the song. If the player misses ANY notes until the end of the song, they’d lose the BRE bonus. Also, I believe the BRE Score Overlay thing would stay up on the screen for the rest of the song.


            I’m not even sure how scoring works after a BRE. If it’s normal, then it could still work. Would be fun to have someone build a quick RPP and try ha


            The Plot thickens.


            It actually turns out that the same thing happens later in the song, so there’d have to be another BRE as well if I wanted to try it, does that change this slim chance to a none? haha


              You can’t chart it anywhere but at the end, hence the name… Have you ever played a BRE? If you have, I’m not sure why it’s even an option in the middle of the song. Also, Magma would stop you from compiling anyway if the song has vocals and vocals are present at any point after the beginning of the BRE.


              QUICK! Someone chart “I’m the Slime” but with the BRE in the beginning

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