Compiler Trying to Find Pro Keys Track that Doesn’t Exist

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  • #394796

    I have been tackling further errors and handling them much much ore readily thanks to these forums, but I am once again stumped. I have not charted a Pro Keys track for my song, but Magma is stuck at the following error:


    ERROR: MIDI Compiler: (MIDI FILE): Could not find MIDI track authored for real_keys, possibly due to incorrect track name event


    I have all midi tracks associated with Pro Keys muted, so I’m not sure what I’m missing.


      You can’t have Keys without Pro Keys. Either you chart Pro Keys, or you have Magma auto-generate them for you. This has been discussed before. You sure you searched?


      You can’t have Keys without Pro Keys. Either you chart Pro Keys, or you have Magma auto-generate them for you. This has been discussed before. You sure you searched?

      I was likely looking in the wrong areas, my apologies!


      On the Game Data tab in Magma, there’s an auto-generate “fake” pro keys option in the bottom right you can use if you have 5-lane keys but no pro keys chart.


      I have the stems for the keys, I might as well chart them at this point, RIP my evening



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