error ERROR: Project Compiler: Unable to calculate song length due to Audio Compiler errors.

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    ERROR: Project Compiler: Unable to calculate song length due to Audio Compiler errors. how is this fixed never had this error b4


    never mind i fixed it


      what was the issue? having the same problems


        Every time this happens, which is usually always, it’s because the default audio path’s first letter A is either capitalized or not. I don’t know how it works, but I always have an Audio folder with my project and I always expect Magma to get the blank audio from its own Audio folder.


          Every time this happens, which is usually always, it’s because the default audio path’s first letter A is either capitalized or not. I don’t know how it works, but I always have an Audio folder with my project and I always expect Magma to get the blank audio from its own Audio folder.


          Same problem here. For a while I just tried to use the default path (magma subfolder), but then I would also have to manually assign the path or it wouldn’t compile. So then I made an ‘audio’ folder in the same level as my WIP customs with one file inside “stereo44.wav” and this just gets copied into each project when its time to compile, because the default path is still /audio/stereo44.wav for each instrument. This saves many clicks.

          Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!


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