Is there a way to add 2x Bass Pedal to DLC?

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    I seen this video on YouTube the other day and wanted help on how to do this.

    I have 2 Pedals for my drum kit and fairly getting great at it.

    It would be great to try it online with my buds.




    Note: I already Own RB2 Export Pack.


    On Painkiller Video, His score were online and not on custom.

    If anyone can teach me how to do this, I would be grateful.



    The only way is to get the original MIDI and mod it to get a 2x Bass Pedal version out of it. If you don’t know how to author I suggest you do some reading in the authoring section of the forums.


    I don’t really like people who keep the same songid however since that fucks up the leaderboards (and I personally think that’s cheating). You are free to do whatever you want of course but I suggest to use a custom songid instead of the original if you don’t want to fuck up leaderboards. (If you are using RB3 you can spoof the DTA exactly like the RBN drum fixes does; but you will have the original ID and therefore fuck up leaderboards unless you spoof another songid; which you should do TBH; don’t cheat it’s bad).


    Also; I don’t know which console you are using but I tested using different MIDIs online with other people on wii and it froze. I don’t know what’s causing it but if you were hoping to use the same ID with your friends that have an unmodified MIDI file it will most likely crash if we take wii as example; though wii never had updates; so that can either go in your favor or not.


    First, get Reaper setup so you can modify the charts. Then, extract the song files from the RB2 Export Pack (first depack them with C3 CON Tools, then open a single song package to extract the files).


    Modify the songs.dta file to give it a new internal song name and preferably a new song id. Then carefully repack it with C3 CON Tools so that the internal folder and file layout match that of the original song package, but with the new internal song name.


    This won’t work online, however. To do that, look into the Harmonies Project.


    All of this assumes use of an Xbox360.


    It’s also worth noting both videos above show errors in the charts. I charted double bass for several songs, including both above. I could share my midi files with you once you’ve got it working.

    This won’t work online, however. To do that, look into the Harmonies Project.


    All of this assumes use of an Xbox360.


    This is not true. Well; it’s true that you can’t play them online via an unmodded x360 (Though people have found a way on RB2 without having a modded console); but if you are on JTAG/RGH you can. I don’t know why people don’t precise that. (You also can on every other consoles without restrictions; according you have the requirement for custom songs.)



    This is not true. Well; it’s true that you can’t play them online via an unmodded x360 (Though people have found a way on RB2 without having a modded console); but if you are on JTAG/RGH you can. I don’t know why people don’t precise that. (You also can on every other consoles without restrictions; according you have the requirement for custom songs.)


    My bad, wasn’t aware of that.

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