Fender Mustang Pro Guitar

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      Hey all – I found a used pro guitar in a local thrift shop for $30 and was wondering if its worth picking it up at this price ?


      Problem is its for PS3 and i didnt see a dongle anywhere for it and im pretty sure you need one for the PS3.


      Also I dont recall seeing many songs/customs with pro guitar but then again i wasnt paying that close attention as i didnt have one.


      Anyone know if any of the other dongles for the PS3 would work for this guitar ?


      Edit – i see that this has a midi port – can this be used with the midi pro adapter or is this just for hooking up to a computer ?



      The Other Side

        $30 for a pro controller is a steal. Does it not come with a dongle?


          no dongle that i could see – this is just a used thrift shop and i have rarely seen any dongles at these places as the person dropping the stuff off has probably lost the dongle which is probably why they are giving it away in the first place.


          i may go back and take a harder look for the dongle but has anyone tried using this with the midi pro adapter or other dongles ?


            well looks like i found my answer on the rock band forums – hopefully it is still there as he says you can hook it up through the MPA and use it, even across consoles which is great as i have RB3 on all 3 consoles with each one having there benefits.


            This has probably been asked but I didn’t find it when searching so i’m just asking it because i’m wanting to upgrade to Pro instruments very soon. I’ve scoured the internet in general and can’t find a solid answer.

            For the GUITAR, i’m aware there is no general MIDI compatibility (with other MIDI guitars), however the Fender Mustang Pro is designed to work. But does it connect to every console through MIDI only, or through normal controller ports or both?

            They all work on wireless as far as I know but only if you play it on that intended system like a Wii Mustang pro will work wirelessly only on the Wii, but if you connect it through a Midi Pro Adapter for the xbox, then the MIDI function takes over the guitar and it functions in MIDI mode through the MIDI cable.

            What I mean is is there any difference between the MIDI output of the wii vs 360 or ps3 guitars?


            Can I buy a Wii Fender Mustang pro guitar, and use the MIDI Pro Adapters for 360 or PS3 to hook the wii guitar up to the other consoles?


            Are there any button mapping issues?

            No. It will function just as intended except you lose control of the built in d-pad and navigation buttons.

            Or problems with ‘basic’ mode on the Mustang on those other consoles?

            You mean using the 5 button layout like a regular 5 button guitar? then yes, you lose that functionality.

            Would it work the same if I get the Squier (pro mode only) stringed MIDI guitar?

            yes and no. the Squier stringed guitar has more frets than the Mustang pro. Rock Band 3 has two sets of tracks, one for the 17 button mustang and one for the 22 fret squier. It fixes itself accordingly depending on the instrument you are using. But overall, yes it would work the same.

            For the KEYBOARD, since all the pro instruments (wii/ps3/360) are MIDI compatible and have a MIDI out, is there any reason that I couldn’t buy say a wii pro MIDI controller, but then get MIDI pro adapters to use that same keyboard on PS3 and 360 as well? The only console I have right now is a Wii, but my friends play on 360 when I come over. Do I just get the 360 MIDI Pro adapter and plug the wii keyboard in having it work as well as a 360 specific keyboard would?

            I have a Wii Keyboard and I can use it on my Xbox by connecting it to the Xbox Midi pro Adapter.

            Here’s what happens. It works and all, both keys mode and pro keys mode. What doesn’t work are the navigation controls built into the keyboard itself. those are the Up, down left, right, B, A, X, Y, Start, Select, buttons so you cannot control the game menus through those buttons, you would have to use the ones on the Midi pro adapter itself.

            The downfalls are that you lose the overdrive button. That is also activated only through MIdi Pro Adapters overdrive button. You can still use the touch strip/whammy but it will only work as a whammy if you hold down the overdrive button at the same time that you are sliding your finger on the touch strip. The d-pad and other buttons work as MIDI functions which can interfere with how the keys output so it would be best to stay away from them. In case you do press them and the keyboard stops functioning, just turn the keyboard off then back on to reset it. It’s the same for the Mustang and squier.

            The reason for my confusion in part is that i’m aware these are WIRELESS controllers, and i’m assuming that if I use the guitar or keyboard in the above fashion they will become WIRED controllers since they have to use the MIDI out. I am okay with this (will that mean no batteries are needed?)

            Batteries are still needed, regardless.

            I just need to know it will work. But i’m also confused because it’s implied that to use the controllers at all even on the console it is designed for, the MIDI Pro Adapter is needed in some fashion…

            No. that’s ONLY for the Squier guitar. What Harmonix and MadCatz failed to mention is that the pro instruments are cross compatible if connected through the Midi Pro Adapter. I don’t know why they decided to keep this a secret when it could have perhaps helped with sales.

            yet I was assuming the wireless controllers just connect wirelessly to the system they are designed for so why would they be needed?

            Exactly right. they are not. The Midi Pro Adapter was intended mostly for the Squier and other third party MIDI instruments like drums and keyboards.

            BTW, you can use a Guitar Hero drum set on the MIDI pro adapter but two of the drums are reversed. Still works though.


            I can confirm that using any MIDI RB hardware through a MPA to either not use the dongle or to use it on another console works. I currently play on wii with a PS3 mustang and there’s zero downsides; except maybe the pedal jack which I can’t test due to mine being broken.


            Also for the confusion about batteries: MIDI does not provide power to the instrument; it’s just a way to transfer the button data. Batteries are still needed for power.


            Also; while this is true you can’t navigate with a RB keyboard through MPA; you can with the Mustang. I don’t know why but when the keyboard is connected it acts 100% like a MIDI device; the buttons on the keyboard are now used to change octave/play modes/instruments; and if you change octave while playing RB this is not a good thing. lol.


            On the guitar all of the above still applies; however for some reason RB3 still detects the notes even if you change octave (you can see that the guitar did do the MIDI stuff just by looking at the lights when you press buttons) or change play mode to lets say tapping; doesn’t matter to the game + you can navigate with those as if you were connected with a dongle. It’s a thing to look out if you wanna hear yourself while playing (I.E. Mustang > MIDI Module/PC > MPA)



            You lose 5 button mode but who the hell would want to play 5 button mode with a mustang IMHO.


            Delete this


              Thanks for your confirmation Alternity – i am going to try and pick up tonight if still there.


                I can confirm that using any MIDI RB hardware through a MPA to either not use the dongle or to use it on another console works. I currently play on wii with a PS3 mustang and there’s zero downsides; except maybe the pedal jack which I can’t test due to mine being broken.


                Also for the confusion about batteries: MIDI does not provide power to the instrument; it’s just a way to transfer the button data. Batteries are still needed for power.


                Also; while this is true you can’t navigate with a RB keyboard through MPA; you can with the Mustang. I don’t know why but when the keyboard is connected it acts 100% like a MIDI device; the buttons on the keyboard are now used to change octave/play modes/instruments; and if you change octave while playing RB this is not a good thing. lol.


                On the guitar all of the above still applies; however for some reason RB3 still detects the notes even if you change octave (you can see that the guitar did do the MIDI stuff just by looking at the lights when you press buttons) or change play mode to lets say tapping; doesn’t matter to the game + you can navigate with those as if you were connected with a dongle. It’s a thing to look out if you wanna hear yourself while playing (I.E. Mustang > MIDI Module/PC > MPA)



                You lose 5 button mode but who the hell would want to play 5 button mode with a mustang IMHO.

                Hey Alternity – I am trying to use the PS3 mustang on a Wii as well but cant seem to get it to sync with the MPA.


                The Wii MPA registers as a player but the PS button on the mustang just keeps flashing, seems like it doesn’t register on the MPA. is there a trick to get this working ?


                There’s no trick. Just make sure the dongle isn’t plugged anywhere (which in this case we can cross) and that the MPA is on the guitar (G) switch. There is really nothing else to it.


                If you are using an emulated NAND (or possibly a loader) or dolphin; you might have to turn on the guitar already plugged in the MPA before the game boots.


                  There’s no trick. Just make sure the dongle isn’t plugged anywhere (which in this case we can cross) and that the MPA is on the guitar (G) switch. There is really nothing else to it.


                  If you are using an emulated NAND (or possibly a loader) or dolphin; you might have to turn on the guitar already plugged in the MPA before the game boots.

                  well I cant seem to get the guitar to connect with the MPA, not sure if I am missing something (doesn’t seem like it) or maybe it is just faulty.


                  When I turn it on, all that happens on the guitar is the PS button just keeps flashing red, no button presses do anything.


                  Now the little led on the MPA on the far left side keeps flashing as well, is that supposed to flash even if nothing else is happening ?


                  I even tried this with the MPA on a PS3 as well as the Wii and still the same.


                  Even when connecting the MPA on a PC; when you turn on the guitar the lights should stop flashing and all of them should be on. Maybe your MIDI cable is faulty; I’d suggest to try with another one.


                    Even when connecting the MPA on a PC; when you turn on the guitar the lights should stop flashing and all of them should be on. Maybe your MIDI cable is faulty; I’d suggest to try with another one.

                    thanks alternity – I tried hooking it to a PC and same thing happens.


                    I thought about the cable as well so I tried hooking up my ps3 keyboard to the wii through the MPA and it worked like a charm so we can rule that out.


                    I guess I may take it apart to see if I can figure out whats wrong otherwise I guess its just junk.


                    Good thing I talked them down to selling it to me for $10 so not too much lost.


                    Sad to hear that. I’d suggest focusing on the MIDI port connections; the problem is likely around that.

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