I have the vocals charted, but Magma is saying none of the parts are implemented?

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    So, I’ve watched every single available tutorial on Youtube,(Nyx’s for example, and Nemo’s!) I’ve read through the tutorials on here, all of them, trying to pinpoint my exact issue. I didn’t skim through them, I did my best to try to understand everything being said.


    However. I get this error in Magma when I try to compile my song. It’s a vocals only song, by the way;



    And looking at the help section on here, the PART track would be implementing the [end] and [start] sections in Reaper. But I did that. In fact, here’s some screenshots of my Reaper;
    All of them charted, notes and what not all there.
    So what am I do wrong? What am I missing? Is there a specific section I should be reading tutorial wise? If so, please explain where. I’ll gladly share my current reaper track and song if need be.

      First off, I don’t think instrument tracks need any [end] or [start] commands.

      Secondly, I would check to make sure that the “PART VOCALS” event is of type “Track name” and that it is located at measure 1.1.00.

      Lastly, and I think this is the issue, make sure none of the instrument tracks are muted in Reaper when you export the midi file.


      First off, I don’t think instrument tracks need any [end] or [start] commands.

      Secondly, I would check to make sure that the “PART VOCALS” event is of type “Track name” and that it is located at measure 1.1.00.

      Lastly, and I think this is the issue, make sure none of the instrument tracks are muted in Reaper when you export the midi file.

      I did not know that. Would taking them out make a big difference?

      I do have a part vocals event actually! Right here; http://i.imgur.com/xo8o92T.png

      As for that muted part. That was what was doing it. I had bass guitar and drums muted. Didn’t think that mattered. But that got rid of the None of the Parts found error!


      But now I get this error actually;




      For reference, here is my end section, as you can see, there’s nothing after the midi end event;




      As for the second error, is it talking about putting in a specific event that’s the title of the song?


        For the first error, my guess is you have too many notes in the BEATS track (there can’t be any beats after or on the [end] event in the EVENTS track).


        The second error means that you still have the VOCALS track muted. It must be unmuted before exporting the midi. If you don’t want to hear the midi notes when you play the track, you can always click the power icon right to the left of “FX” so that the track is not muted, but it won’t make any sounds either.


        For the first error, my guess is you have too many notes in the BEATS track (there can’t be any beats after or on the [end] event in the EVENTS track).


        The second error means that you still have the VOCALS track muted. It must be unmuted before exporting the midi. If you don’t want to hear the midi notes when you play the track, you can always click the power icon right to the left of “FX” so that the track is not muted, but it won’t make any sounds either.

        Regarding the beats track;




        It ends right before the end event down below, Do I need to take the Beats track and manually move it back some?


        And as for vocals being muted;




        I’ve tried exporting with all of those unmuted, unfortunately, I still get the same error of that authoring.


        I’m really appreciating you trying to help me.


          Mute all except Part Vocals, the audio, Beat, Venue, Events, and Count In. Open up the Beats and the Events. Where ever the end event is, delete the beat notes on and after the end event.


          P.S. The end event goes in the Events track, not in the vocals.


          Hope this helps a little.


            The beats track should have beats markers all the way up to, but not including, the [end] event. I can’t really tell from your chart where they stop, but I could take a look at it if you like to see if I can find out why Magma is spitting out these errors.


            Mute all except Part Vocals, the audio, Beat, Venue, Events, and Count In. Open up the Beats and the Events. Where ever the end event is, delete the beat notes on and after the end event.


            P.S. The end event goes in the Events track, not in the vocals.


            Hope this helps a little.

            I didn’t know that at all. Goodness. Alright, I’ll do it right now.


            The beats track should have beats markers all the way up to, but not including, the [end] event. I can’t really tell from your chart where they stop, but I could take a look at it if you like to see if I can find out why Magma is spitting out these errors.


            Oh you mean the actual project? Yes please. Of course, here’s the actual Reaper Project, and the song;




              I am getting many errors with your project, and many are just about lyric/phrase misalignment. The [end] event in your EVENTS track is well before you want it to be! The [end] event is about halfway through the song, whereas you want it somewhere after measure 120.


              I am getting many errors with your project, and many are just about lyric/phrase misalignment. The [end] event in your EVENTS track is well before you want it to be! The [end] event is about halfway through the song, whereas you want it somewhere after measure 120.

              Are you serious? I figured I got them all right, it’s a fast talking song, and I figured I needed the phrases close together, They didn’t even look un-aligned when I went over them. Goodness.


              And oh my gosh. I just checked, and realized you’re right. It’s defintely at the end. I don’t know how that happened in the slightest, but it’s fixed. Was everything else ok?


                Magma also said there were some bad notes (meaning excess midi notes in places they didn’t need to be). Just look at any more errors that Magma gives you and they should be pretty straightforward, but feel free to post any more questions/errors.


                Magma also said there were some bad notes (meaning excess midi notes in places they didn’t need to be). Just look at any more errors that Magma gives you and they should be pretty straightforward, but feel free to post any more questions/errors.

                You have no idea how much of a help you’ve been to me. No idea. Very kind thank you so much.





                So I’m guessing those are the errors that i really only need to fix, right?


                  Yeah those are all the errors. Just zoom into the measures where Magma says those errors are to see what it is talking about.


                  Yeah those are all the errors. Just zoom into the measures where Magma says those errors are to see what it is talking about.

                  I understand, and I’m actually having an easy time fixing them too.


                  About the BEAT track, how would I go about extending it to the end event? Just drag it over?


                    No you will need to copy and paste it to extend it. Just make sure each measure looks like the one before.

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