Exporting Harmonies

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  • #394209

    I’m probably looking over something really simple here, but how do you export songs that have harmonies, and have the harmonies show up in-game? I tried exporting the song the way I normally do, and every instrument is there in Rock Band, but it says that there are no harmonies for the song. Are there specific actions I have to take, something to do in Magma? I really can’t figure it out.


      By default, the harmony tracks in the MIDI have a title track of “PART HARM 1” (or whichever harmony part it is). Try removing the “PART” in that title, and it should be included with the rest of the tracks.


      There is no “PART” in the titles. This is what the tracks look like in REAPER.


      However, the solo vocals track is called “PART VOCALS” and that works just fine. Maybe I should add “PART” to the track titles?

      Dash Riprock

        If you’re updating a song that was in your cache before adding instruments / harmonies, you’ll need to delete your cache, or rename and re-ID your updated custom.


        If you’re updating a song that was in your cache before adding instruments / harmonies, you’ll need to delete your cache, or rename and re-ID your updated custom.


        There we go, it works now. Thank you!


          Ah okay, so it was unrelated to my suggestion. What I meant, though, was in the MIDI editor, where you’d see the lyrics and such, there’s also a non-lyric, Title event. By default the harmony charts have “PART” in that title event, which should be removed (this does not apply for PART VOCALS, don’t remove “PART” from there).


          Though again, this was an issue with the song cache, so disregard my comment.

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