Comic-Style RBN Preview (done for banter)

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  • #394088

    Yeh so I was messing on with the preview (modifying Drihscol’s already fantastic RB Preview in REAPER) and decided to have a little fun (because we can always use some comic relief – no pun intended):



    Why, you ask? There is no why – just laugh at how stupid it/I am and go about your day!


    It looks a lot funnier in action actually, but I don’t really anticipate people wanting to use it – if anyone does, I’ll post the download link.


    For added effect you could add a comic strip background too – or make the notes little villains or something (hell I’d do it for someone if they really wanted it lol).


      Link please


      Here’s the link tails – Click


      Included is the comic style smash, a plain flash style smash (for when you inevitably get annoyed with the comic one haha) and Drihscol’s RB3 Preview.


      Place the files you wish to change into Program Files(x86)/REAPER/Plugins/FX/rbprev and overwrite the originals, probably going to want to back them up first though.


      If you need help with the installation just post, but you should be ok, it’s quite straightforward.


      Reaper needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

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