Keyboard won’t connect to Xbox 360

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    I recently bought a Madcatz Rockband 3 keyboard for the Xbox 360. The green circle around the Xbox logo flashes, so I know it works, but it doesn’t want to connect to the console. When I click the button on my 360 that searches for controllers, the green circle on the Xbox spins for a bit, but doesn’t pick up the keyboard.


    I’ve tried googling this issue, and I’m not the first one to have it, but no one seems to have found a solution.


    On one of those sites, I read that the keyboard would only be assigned a player slot once you opened up RB3. I’ve tried that, but it’s still not working. I also read something about pro keys/AIM (all instruments mode). Do those have anything to do with my issue, or is that totally separate? I don’t think AIM is necessary for what I’m trying to do anyway, since it would just be the keyboard and another instrument at most.


    I’m pretty disappointed right now, as I was really looking forward to trying some customs out on the keyboard. Even if it’s just linking me an article that might help me out, I’d really appreciate some help.


      Did you try pressing the sync button on the right side of the keyboard as well? You need to press that button and the sync button on the Xbox to hook it up.


      Did you try pressing the sync button on the right side of the keyboard as well? You need to press that button and the sync button on the Xbox to hook it up.

      Yes, I did. The sync button on the Xbox spins for about 30 seconds and then stops, but the sync button on the keyboard continues flashing for a few minutes.


        I assume your Xbox is connected to the monitor/TV and is displaying the game/dashboard when you try to connect the keyboard?


        I assume your Xbox is connected to the monitor/TV and is displaying the game/dashboard when you try to connect the keyboard?

        That’s right. Is there a specific game menu I’m supposed to be in? I’ve been trying on the game’s main menu, as well as the songs list (the first option in the “Play Now” menu).


          Is it the only peripheral connected/trying to connect?


          Perhaps try turning on the all instruments mode in rock band 3 settings.

          I’ve had that to happen a few times when breaking out my keyboard.


          Is it the only peripheral connected/trying to connect?

          No, I also have a wired Xbox 360 controller so I can navigate menus and such. I initially tried the keyboard as the only thing trying to connect and plugged in the controller when that wasn’t working.


          Perhaps try turning on the all instruments mode in rock band 3 settings.

          I’ve had that to happen a few times when breaking out my keyboard.

          How do I access the settings? I can’t seem to find them… is there a specific menu I have to access them from?


            On a connected controller from any menu:


            Hit start.

            Go to “Options”.

            All instruments mode will be a checkbox at the top of the list.


            Turns out it won’t let me access it – “Sorry, you need more than a vocalist around to activate All Instruments Mode”.


            Anything else I can try?


              Yes, I did. The sync button on the Xbox spins for about 30 seconds and then stops, but the sync button on the keyboard continues flashing for a few minutes.

              I have had this happen with a guitar that I have had for years. Can’t say for sure it will work for you but try this.

              Push the connect on xbox again quickly after the 30 second stop and while the guitar/key sync light is still spinning. It connects right away for me the second time.


              I have had this happen with a guitar that I have had for years. Can’t say for sure it will work for you but try this.

              Push the connect on xbox again quickly after the 30 second stop and while the guitar/key sync light is still spinning. It connects right away for me the second time.

              I tried it a few times, but I’m not having any luck with that… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

              I’m not sure if this matters, but the flashing light on the keyboard never starts spinning – it keeps only blinking on and off. So I think the Xbox is just flat out not recognizing it.


                If it never starts spinning, then either you’re not pushing the connect button after you turn the keyboard on (the button on the far left of this picture, looks like a wi-fi icon):




                Or something’s wrong with the keyboard entirely.


                I wasn’t pressing the connect button… I didn’t even notice it was there; I kept trying to connect solely with the Xbox logo button. Now I feel silly… but that feeling is overpowered by now being able to rock out on my keyboard, which feels awesome! :rock:


                The first time I got it to connect, I could navigate menus but it wasn’t actually recognizing any of the notes in the songs I was trying out. Re-connecting solved that issue, and now it works like a charm!


                Thanks so much for your help, everyone! I deeply appreciate it! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                  No worries, it’s a hard button to find if you’re not looking.


                  Have fun with the keyboard! Some very fun songs on it.

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