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  • #393563

    Hi guys, you guys might have been noticing that i been getting out of control and i’m very sorry.


    So now i think i should leave and let people be happy that i’m gone, not like i been releasing anything good or getting stuff done.


    So i think i will try not to release any customs anymore, so everyone waiting for the tracks i said in my WIP.


    Well if there is any song you can have it now.


    Also for stuff i was working with people with, i will try get the stuff done before i stop releasing stuff.


    whats making you so unhappy that your acting out?

    is it personal or have to deal with song making?


    if its fretting heres a few words to share


    if your fretting for downloads popularity video views comments reputation and the hopes of collaborating with people and getting into community projects.


    dont. dont do it. that is a dark and ugly road.


    i know. ive had my fall from grace as im sure many others have had.

    how can you have 700 downloads on a song but not 1 person thanking you for it.

    or have people straight up steal your work on multiple occasions.

    so i did what you did and left. came back a year or 2 later.

    and started releasing songs with multiple instruments.

    you may ask why i came back. i remembered why i started fretting in the first place.

  i love music. and without it everything would be meaningless.

    2.people. if only 1 person ever downloads my custom. i am thankful. for my only hope is

    that person who downloaded it. for that 3-5 mins they play it brings them some sort of joy and happiness.


    i am very thankful for every comment download and video view i get. thats all the motivation i need to enjoy making customs.


    but regardless to if this is problem with fretting or a problem in your personal life

    you should really take the time you need to clear your head.

    do some soul searching.


    if you do or dont come back hopefully youll find whats causing you to be unhappy.

    but honestly delete this thread.

    if you need to leave for a bit, leave. dont do it like this


    best of luck,



    ps. started fretting since 2006 to 2016


    It is just been hard for me, one negative comment about something i like or something about me then i go off and go crazy.


    And charting has been getting harder and harder, it is just so much work to do and it is really hard sometimes.


    But maybe i should take a break, and try to get better at not getting angry.


    It is just been hard for me, one negative comment about something i like or something about me then i go off and go crazy.


    And charting has been getting harder and harder, it is just so much work to do and it is really hard sometimes.


    But maybe i should take a break, and try to get better at not getting angry.


    That’s exactly what you should do. The key is to work only on the stuff you’re passionate about and don’t give a flying fuck about what others think about it. Chart for yourself first and foremost.


      Yeah, I’d take a break. Anyone who pushes too hard for something that isn’t working for them will regret it. Take some time off, wait until you think “man, I really miss charting. I need to do this again.” C3 will still be here when you get back. You’ll always have our support, and whoever says otherwise isn’t important.



        The key is to work only on the stuff you’re passionate about and don’t give a flying fuck about what others think about it. Chart for yourself first and foremost.

        This is probably the best advice anybody can give you about this stuff. Another thing I would say is if/when you run into roadblocks and you ask for help with these issues, ask with a humble attitude and even if you don’t get exactly the answer you were looking for, be thankful that anybody responded in the first place. I have been amazed at the transparency the admins here have with the community and how active they are in answering questions. Most forums I frequent, if I ask a question it either goes completely unanswered or I get sarcastic responses.


        Anyway. Take a break. Next time you want to play a song in Rock Band (or another platform) that hasn’t been charted, decide if you really want to play it that badly, and if you do then chart it yourself. For yourself. After charting it and playing it, if you found it enjoyable enough, post it up on the database and move on. My first couple of releases I remember thinking “I hope people love these and comment and tell me how to get better and tell me I’m awesome and stuff!” but then that didn’t really happen very much and I decided I should probably quit caring so much about it. I haven’t had a response on my thread in weeks and it doesn’t bother me at all haha.


        Kind of mirroring what other people are saying, taking a break is usually what’s best. And you can still come back and thrive! That’s what I did when I was feeling anxious and suicidal and then started transitioning, and I actually think the break helped me to be even more focused and make better content! So don’t think of it like the end, think of it as the end of your first chapter and you’re almost ready to start your second chapter!


        Unfortunately, society as a whole has gotten lazy. Like myself, we all should give many thanks to all the awesome people here that do incredible work. I started looking into trying to make my own and realized that its not for me. It was WAY more time involved than I imagined. But, I can just about guarantee that anyone downloading your songs at this point in the game are enjoying them. Either because its a song they have been waiting for, or you’ve introduced to them something new that they might not have heard before. So even if the thanks aren’t always there, they are appreciated. For the amount of songs I get to enjoy playing from this great site. I should have thanked everyone hundreds of times.


        But ultimately, YOU need to do what is best for YOU.


        p.s. I will miss anyone that leaves here.


        Yeah, ppl are lazy and don’t even bother with a simple “thanks”. I remember how hard i tried to chartmergepolish Rammstein – P*ssy for the community, i expect from ppl to like it and post some thanks or at least feedbacks (which is much more important for me on this stage), but i didn’t get anything at all. Im not a person that seeks for gratitude, and never was, its just … i don’t know, im a drums charter, and i know that a lot of ppl here like full-band tracks, so i decided to add as much instruments as i can for them and … nothing, it’s like “dude, your musical choices are not interested here”. Kinda frustrating.

        Im not being emotional at all, im charting songs that i like and mostly for myself, so don’t get me wrong.


        So, my advices are: take a break and chart only tracksinstruments you like <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        Just wanted to give some much deserved thanks to the charters in here. I know you don’t get nearly enough thanks, largely in part due to complacent people like me, but hopefully this helps in whatever small way that it does. I appreciate the work you all put into charting, and your absence wouldn’t go unnoticed. <3


        It’s been hard, but as you see i’m working on another song now but it is so hard to take a break <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


        But maybe i should take a break after the next song, or maybe 2 as i just got a old song i was working on and someone was helping me on that.


        But to be real i’m just starting to get lazy, i use to try follow rocksmith videos and try make good animations like the real song but now i don’t feel like doing them and same for the venue.


        But i want to try bring some great customs and try see how close i can bring them to RBN/C3 like customs as RBN is coming and i want to somehow be apart of it <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


          It’s been hard, but as you see i’m working on another song now but it is so hard to take a break <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


          But maybe i should take a break after the next song, or maybe 2 as i just got a old song i was working on and someone was helping me on that.


          But to be real i’m just starting to get lazy, i use to try follow rocksmith videos and try make good animations like the real song but now i don’t feel like doing them and same for the venue.


          But i want to try bring some great customs and try see how close i can bring them to RBN/C3 like customs as RBN is coming and i want to somehow be apart of it <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

          RBN is only coming if HMX gets enough money from us to do so.

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