Unpitched Vocals

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  • #393549

    I have searched this and cannot find the answer. How to I program unpitched vocals (like if the singer is speaking)?


    Just add “#” after each lyric, without the quotes.


    If it’s “Take me away” (using one of my own customs as an example).

    Then you would do: Take# me# a-# way#


      Make sure you’ve read the RBN docs, otherwise you’re missing all kinds of important information:



      Also, use # for strict non-pitched syllables and ^ for loose non-pitched syllables.


      What’s the difference between strict and loose


        What’s the difference between strict and loose

        How fair or harsh you are judged when singing or talking a note. A loose modifier should be used sparingly, such as for very short, weak, or difficult-to-pronounce notes.


          What’s the difference between strict and loose


          The link to the docs is literally in the same message you replied.


          Yeah, but the doc doesn’t say what the difference is


            There is standard and more generous scoring for non-pitched syllables. The standard scoring is marked with “#” in lyrics and the more generous one with “`^`”. As a default we use “#”, but we use “`^`” in some cases. For example if a phrase consists of only 1~3 short syllables, we definitely mark them with “`^`”. Also vowels or consonants without sharp attacks (ex. “w” or “y” ) tend to be harder to register, especially if you miss the beginning of long note tubes. In this type of case, we use “`^`”.


            The reason I’m pointing this out is because I’m concerned you’re skipping essential steps like reading thoroughly the RBN docs. If you are reading them and you still have doubts, it’s perfectly fine.

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