Possible Flash Drive wipe; any chance of restoring

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    Today I was using party buffalo and it crashed and it looks like I lost everything on the stick with it. The stick shows up unformated to the 360. In party buffalo it shows up “weird” as it doesn’t show up with any info at the load menu. When I do load it looks to be full of 360 setup programs and background programs. Any chance of restoring this stick? Since I don’t have backups of my older custom files anymore and would prefer to not have to download everything over. Also it might have the newest version of my rock band save file (I have a backup on my harddrive but Im not sure how current it is).


    I guess if worst comes to worst and I just have to reformat it on the 360, I’ll have the new drive format and won’t have to worry about these sort of things anymore.


    edit: It would look as if it’s not seeing the rest of the stick since it’s showing that the stick is 287 MBs instead of 16 gigs.


      If you remove the stick without properly closing the program (or with the program crashing on you) you’re out of luck. It won’t always wipe out everything but in your case it did. Take advantage of the situation and switch over to our own Nemo’s C3 CON Tools > RBtoUSB to avoid these kind of issues, plus the program is better than any generic injector. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


        If you remove the stick without properly closing the program (or with the program crashing on you) you’re out of luck. It won’t always wipe out everything but in your case it did. Take advantage of the situation and switch over to our own Nemo’s C3 CON Tools > RBtoUSB to avoid these kind of issues, plus the program is better than any generic injector. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


        I have to agree. I put off from moving from party buffalo to the C3 CON Tools. I’m so glad I eventually did though, it’s so much easier <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        Can honestly say that I switched from Modio and am never looking back after using the contools

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