No Notes Error


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  • #393309
    Everytime I try to Test my Midi in Magma, this is the only error I get:
    ERROR: MIDI Compiler: (PART GUITAR): Chord gems do not start simultaneously at [39:2:478]
    Rock Band 3 does not support broken chords like Guitar Hero. You either have chords with notes starting at different times, or one note that runs too long and over the next note. Zoom in real close in REAPER and you’ll see it.
    I’ve tried everything and I still get that error. So I tried just taking the notes out, and I still get it.
    As you can see there are no notes in [39:2:478], but I still get the error.
    Help please?

      1) Quantize your notes

      2) Always leave at least 1/16th space between sustain and following note


      1) Quantize your notes

      2) Always leave at least 1/16th space between sustain and following note

      Still not working. I put the notes back in, space between sustain and notes; nothing even after Quantizing them for all the options it gives to quantize them for. Tried taking them out and quantizing, too. Still nothing.


        You’re ignoring the part of the message that says “zoom in real close in REAPER” – as the person who wrote that error message you’re reading now, trust me when I say that is the problem. Don’t worry too much about the measure being off. I couldn’t control that and it’s usually off, but it’s in that general area. If I was a betting man, I would say it’s right at 38.4 where that green note precedes the chord.


          Still not working. I put the notes back in, space between sustain and notes; nothing even after Quantizing them for all the options it gives to quantize them for. Tried taking them out and quantizing, too. Still nothing.


          Have quantized all your notes in your project and trimmed all sustains?

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