ShinyZeni’s Converts/Customs/Fixes (Lots of Thrice!) — 04/01/2017 – The Window!

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  • #393226

      Hey Everybody!

      Check my requests/possible future projects thread here:

      Newest Additions:


      Thrice – The Window



      Thrice – The Alchemy Index Vol. I: Fire


      Thrice – The Alchemy Index Vol. II: Water


      Thrice – The Alchemy Index Vol. III: Air





      My first project!

      I See Stars – Murder Mitten


      Updated 09/11/2016. Changes on the db entry.

      My friend wanted to start learning how to chart, so I gave him a crash course in Reaper and C3 Magma and we fixed this track up a bit. I’m not sure who charted it originally, I found it in (I think) the old database. It’s still missing Bass and Vocals, but it’s definitely in better shape than it was before. List of fixes on the DB Entry.

      Bullet For My Valentine – 4 Words To Choke Upon

      12/26/2015 Update: Added Bass (chart by Mars).
      01/28/2016 Update: Added Guitar Solo section.
      09/15/2016 Update:

      -Tweaked Tempo Map (it had some strange inconsistencies, and inaccurate Time Signatures. Fixed.)
      -Adjusted Drums for Accuracy
      -Minor Adjustments to Guitar Chart
      -Added Practice Sections
      -Added AutoGen Venue
      -Added Vocals
      -Re-charted Overdrive Fills on Drums (no other adjustments)

      Another fix! Woo-hoo!

      Thrice – Stare At The Sun

      I found this song in the old database, but it had no overdrive and the drums were charted wrong. They were missing toms, and the ending was….wrong. At least it seemed and sounded wrong to me. In a very serious way. So I changed/fixed it. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

      If anybody knows who charted it before, let me know and I’ll credit them appropriately.


      Just another quick fixer-upper from this album. More details on the db submission.

      Bullet For My Valentine – Hit The Floor


      Update 09/18/2016: Same treatment for this song as my other older customs lately.

      This one feels kinda like it might need some tempo map tweaks, but the way the original one was structured would have required more work than I was ready to put into the chart today, so that might happen at some point. Or it might not.

      Details on other changes below:

      -Adjusted Drums for Accuracy
      -(Very) Minor Adjustments to Guitar and Bass Charts
      -Added Practice Sections
      -Added AutoGen Venue
      -Added Vocals




      Brand New – Tautou


      Brand New – Sic Transit Gloria…Glory Fades


      Brand New – You Won’t Know…NlQ2MkpJdE5YdTg


      Original Customs:


      My first completely original project!

      Thrice – Of Dust And Nations

      This is arguably my favorite song of all time, and I had a lot of fun creating it! It was definitely a learning process but I got through it and feel better prepared for future projects now! I hope you enjoy it! Let me know if you have any feedback! (More notes in the database submission)

      And another! This one took me longer than intended. I got pretty sick this last week so I didn’t get to work on it for a few days. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

      Thrice – Circles

      This song has always been a favorite of mine off this album. It’s not quite as popular as the other one that I posted, but I love it.

      Thrice – Where Idols Once Stood

      This song was a nightmare. First I screwed up the tempo map, then my project got corrupt, then charting the drums got confusing because I was having trouble hearing them accurately, then I could barely hear the bass guitar at all for the first half of the song. Oh well, at least it’s fun!

      The beginning feels a little off to me, but I slowed it down in reaper AND in practice mode, and it seemed fine in both of those scenarios, so I don’t know. Also had some similar concerns about the guitar and bass hammer ons for part of the song…but same story there as well. Maybe I just suck.

      UPDATE: Screw this song. Having been away from it for a bit I decided to try and fix the syncing, which resulted in more of tearing my hair out and ugly crying and punching things and feeling sad and inadequate. I’m sorry, as amazing as this album is, the mixing on it is atrocious and the band was clearly less skilled with things like tempo when they recorded it. There’s only one other song from this album that I feel like needs to be made, and thank goodness somebody already made a Guitar chart for it. Here’s to hoping the Tempo map on that custom is good enough because I am so burnt out on mapping songs from this album lol.

      As for what was updated: syncing syncing syncing. The very first couple snare rolls still feel a little bit off to me, but I’ve managed to keep combo on them somewhat consistently at least so… I’ll take it. To me, the 1st half of the song feels much better now than it did before, and the 2nd half is still good (which it was already good before).

      I also added a roll lane to the snare roll in the song because while I was re-mapping the syncing I realized the tempo on it is all screwy and no matter what I tried I couldn’t keep it on time the whole time. I practiced the thing for about 20 minutes, and while I could keep a combo at lower speeds in practice, I never could at 100% speed. So I put it in a roll.

      If anybody was emotionally attached to the old version or something, I still have it on my Google Drive, which there is a link to (my Rock Band customs) on my Youtube “about” section. I would also suggest holding onto it just in case I’m the only person that thinks the new version is better. At least until you playtest it.

      Happy New Year. May 2016 grace all of you (and me) with a better year than 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2012 were (my 2011 was pretty great so I don’t think it’s getting topped any time soon.)



      Updated again! It’s finally good!


      A New Original for you today!
      Thrice – Blood Clots and Black Holes

      Holy CRAP this song turned out GOOD! It’s my 2nd favorite song by Thrice, but man I did not expect it to be so freaking fun on all instruments. IMO at least.

      Quit reading and GO PLAY IT!

      Thrice – Paper Tigers

      Paper Tigers!

      I love this song. It didn’t go quite as well as Blood Clots, but I think I need to call it “good” for now and upload it. The beginning feels slightly off to me, the ending feels slightly off (but much better than when I started). Mostly noticeable on drums. Should have little to no problems on Guitar/Bass.

      This is also the first time I’ve done Harmonies! I think they turned out pretty well, but I’m only one guy… So no guarantees haha.

      It’s been a rough month for me. I’m not going to go into too much detail, but some trouble in romance land has been brewing. About a month ago when it started creeping up I decided I would take the opportunity to chart some non-Thrice tracks that also hold varying levels of heart-throbbing sentimental value to me in some way or another. Ranging from “I’m really freaking pissed off at you go away and never come back” to “I really wish things weren’t going this way but I guess that’s just how it is”

      Anyway! Here is my Non-Thrice Heartbreak 3 Pack!

      Bullet For My Valentine – Room 409

      Blink-182 – Obvious

      Brand New – Seventy Times 7

      I’m pretty proud of these overall. There may be some slight syncing issues, but they are good enough that I felt comfortable uploading them. I technically haven’t play tested this iteration of Seventy Times 7, but I’m confident in the song and the changes I made prior to uploading.

      No preview videos for these yet but I’ll try to get those up tomorrow.

      As always, thanks for the support and I hope you enjoy the tracks!
      Let me know if you have any feedback!

      Hey all!

      I’ve got another 3 Thrice pack for you this weekend (ha).

      I’ve been super busy at work and studying for an industry certification lately, so even though I’ve had drums done on these for about a week, it took me between then and now to finish charting and testing for all the other instruments.

      So here’s what we’ve got!

      Thrice – Hoods On Peregrine

      Thrice – The Melting Point Of Wax

      Thrice – Daedalus

      I mentioned this in the database, but I wanted to do Melting Point of Wax and Daedalus together since they are “sister songs”. Both are related to the story of Icarus, and are very beautiful tracks. They turned out very well and I hope you guys like them!

      Big shout out to TomGuy for doing the tempo map on The Melting Point of Wax!

      I think I’m going to move back to some single releases next. As much as I enjoy the packs, they get really stressful to work on. Gonna do 1 or 2 non-thrice tracks again, and then I’ll be back at it. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />




      Warinside – Battle with Red


      I’ve loved this song ever since I first heard it in like 2011. More details on the db. Have another Thrice track coming up soon too!


      Updated 02/15/2016:

      Changed the metadata to match the original artist and improved the audio track quality with the “official” release.



      Thrice – The Abolition Of Man


      Happy Valentine’s Day everybody!

      Have a song that has absolutely nothing to do with Valentine’s Day, courtesy of me.


      We’re getting closer! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />




      Thrice – Don’t Tell And We Won’t Ask


      And that’s the last track on the album!!


      Time to start over from the beginning. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />




      Thrice – Cold Cash And Colder Hearts


      This was really fun to make, and I think it’s really fun to play! Slowly but surely, the album is coming together!

      Hope you guys enjoy these!





      Thrice – Under A Killing Moon


      We’re getting really close, and I’m trying REALLY hard not to burn out. It’s tough, doing these back to back to back. I mean doing customs at all is hard work. But I know even if nobody else wants these (which I know a few of you do!) I DEFINITELY do…. I can’t freaking wait to be done with this project haha.





      Thrice – All That’s Left


      This one’s got 3 part Harms. I’m not guaranteeing they’re perfect, but they work based on my playtesting. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      Just one more track from this album and then I can move onto my next projects! I’ll probably take a little time off, as I’m feeling pretty burnt out already (and probably have another 10+ hours of work ahead of me to wrap this up, too.) but I’ll definitely keep releasing. There’s a lot of stuff I still want in the game that simply isn’t there, and I have the power to put it there. AND I enjoy doing so. So yeah. Good stuff.


      Anyway I really hope you guys are enjoying the releases, and let me know if you have any feedback.





      It’s finally done!






      The Artist In The Ambulance (FULL ALBUM TRACK)


      Each track from the album has been updated individually as well. Some more than others, and I will also mark them as updated on the db and include some basic notes for each-but yes, every single track received at least a small change.


      Here is what I can remember:


      Cold Cash And Colder Hearts:

      -Slight adjustment to the Guitar Chart (accuracy based)

      -Some lighting/venue animations


      Under A Killing Moon:

      -Some lighting/venue animations


      All That’s Left:

      -Slight adjustments to the drums and guitar charts.



      -New track, but for TomGuy who I sent a preview, I may have added some lighting/venue animations. I can’t remember for sure.


      Stare At The Sun:

      -Added Practice Sections

      -Auto generated Lighting/Venue (no manual tweaking)


      Paper Tigers:

      -Fixed the issue with the sync/adjusted tempo map (most prevalent at the end of the song. It’s fixed now.)

      -Added Practice Sections

      -Lighting and Venue animations

      -Fixed the fade out on the end of the song for the individual track


      Hoods On Peregrine:

      -Added Practice Sections

      -Some Lighting/Venue animations


      The Melting Point Of Wax:

      -Slight adjustments to the Tempo Map

      -Added Practice Sections

      -Autogen Lighting/Venue animations


      Blood Clots And Black Holes:

      -Slight adjustments to the Drum chart (overdrive fill lanes, cymbal charting near the end, etc.)

      -Added Practice Sections

      -Lighting/Venue animations!


      The Artist In The Ambulance:

      -Slight adjustments to the Tempo Map

      -Adjustments to the Guitar Chart (mostly HOPO adjustments)


      The Abolition Of Man:

      -Added Practice Sections

      -Lighting/Venue animations!


      Don’t Tell And We Won’t Ask:

      -Adjusted the tempo map for accuracy and TS changes

      -Lighting/Venue animations


      Big thanks to everybody who has supported me through these efforts!





      I’m not dead! Big things are coming! Have the new song!


      Thrice – Blood on the Sand





      Full Vheissu Album Release!!


      Thrice – Between The End And Where We Lie:


      Thrice – The Earth Will Shake:


      Thrice – Atlantic:


      Thrice – For Miles:


      Thrice – Hold Fast Hope:


      Thrice – Music Box:


      Thrice – Like Moths To Flame:


      Thrice – Of Dust And Nations:


      Thrice – Stand And Feel Your Worth:


      Thrice – Red Sky


      Thrice – Flags of Dawn:


      Thrice – Weight of Glory



      Thrice – Lullaby



      Blink-182 – Bored To Death


      Thrice – Black Honey


      Blink-182 – Built This Pool


      Thrice – Death From Above


      This song…. HNNNG. It’s SO GOOD.


      Thrice – Whistleblower



      Blink-182 – Violence


      Blink-182 – Asthenia

      Thrice – Firebreather:


      Thrice – Broken Lungs:


      Thrice – To Awake And Avenge The Dead:



      Celldweller – The Last Firstborn


      Thrice – The Messenger


      Thrice – Open Water


      Thrice – The Sky Is Falling


      Thrice – Hurricane


      Thrice – Backdraft


      Thrice – Lost Continent



      Thrice – A Song For Milly Michaelson


      Thrice – Night Diving


      Thrice – Burn The Fleet


      Thrice – The Whaler


      Thrice – As The Crow Flies

      Thrice – The Flame Deluge


      Thrice – Kings Upon The Main


      Thrice – Silver Wings


      Thrice – The Alchemy Index Vol. I: Fire


      Thrice – The Alchemy Index Vol. II: Water


      Thrice – The Alchemy Index Vol. III: Air


      Hope you enjoy it!




      Thrice – Deadbolt

      This track was UPDATED! no longer is it horribly tempo mapped with only a single multi-track. TomGuy was nice enough to send me the full stems for the song, and it sounded too good not to fix.

      The audio balance seems a little heavy on the drums, but I found it to be perfectly playable as is. If anybody think is sounds awful or something, let me know and I can try and tweak the balance. Just let me know what you think needs to be louder!

      The chart was mostly a Guitar Hero convert, but I added vocals and made slight adjustments to make the chart more in line with Rock Band (moved the Rides from Green to Blue, etc.) I also had to manually add all the HOPOs and stuff.

      I swear I’m almost off my Thrice kick but there are at least a couple more songs I want to take a crack at before I chart something else. At least the disturbing void of Thrice songs in the db is being filled. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      I have a couple converts for you today! Also have 3 original songs I’m working on so hopefully I can get those out this week. Also HUGE thanks to TomGuy for the files to make these converts, and for all the emotional support as I wrestle with more and more customs. />.>” title=”>.>” class=”bbcode_smiley” /></p>
<p><strong>Thrice – All The World Is Mad</strong><br /><strong></strong><br /><a href=

      Thrice – The Arsonist

      Check the db entries for details on what was added/changed to these converts. The Arsonist especially took a lot of work to get to a playable state, so I hope you like it!




      Chips reached out asking for help on another Thrice track a few days ago. He did most of the work, but I charted some drums, gave advice on a couple of parts with the Guitar, and added Vocals for him! Really stoked to see this one go up!






      I See Stars – Murder Mitten (Guitar/Bass/Keys by Psym

      The chart is from “WarriorCat”.


      I even addressed it to him when I first registered here. He didn’t deny that it was hers, but he just straight up refused to give proper credit.


        Oops! Wish I had known! I’ll edit my own post right away!



        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


        Thanks for this song!!!


        Can you please add CAT reductions for all the instruments?




          Thanks for this song!!!


          Can you please add CAT reductions for all the instruments?




          They weren’t in there already!? Geez this song just keeps taking more and more work haha. I’ll try to get to that later today. Thanks for the heads up!


            Good to see you tackling this, good luck! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


              nice song!


                Good to see you tackling this, good luck! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

                Thanks! It’s been a lot of fun. My reaper evaluation is almost expired though so I’m gonna have to figure something out with that haha. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />



                Thanks for this song!!!


                Can you please add CAT reductions for all the instruments?



                Just updated in the database! Will add updated links to the top post here in a minute as well. There were some other issues with Guitar and Bass anyway, so I went ahead and fixed those at the same time. Obviously the reductions come as-is since they were CAT reductions. Hopefully they turned out alright though!


                  After spending the majority of the weekend getting my ass thoroughly kicked by tempo maps…. My first original custom is finally coming together. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Lots of respect for all the authors here. This is not easy stuff. Hopefully I’ll find some time during the week to finish tying this one up so I can upload it.


                    Added my new song to the first post. Thrice – Of Dust And Nations! Go check it out!


                      Oh that is sooo tasty.


                        Oh that is sooo tasty.

                        Thrice is my favorite band ever! So you can definitely expect to see some more from me. I know there was another user on the forum planning to do some Thrice converts and originals, but I don’t know his timeline for them. He posted in my requests thread. Anyway, are there any specific songs you’d like to see?


                          I was the one planning on the converts and one original, ha ha. I have Deadbolt and All the World is Mad as converts and I have stems for Artist in the Ambulance so that’s what I’m working on. Anything else you want to do would be great!


                          Also, if you need some help with instruments or playtesting, let me know!


                            Oh sweet! I actually found a custom of Artist already if you want it. I found it on YouTube. You are of course welcome to re-do it or tweak it though!



                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                            Awesome. I’ve been trying to do For Miles but the tempo mapping is giving me a headache.

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