The “I Played RB4” Thread

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      Looks like review copies are out there now.


      Played a bit of it before D&D tonight, as one of our guys is the entertainment editor for the city paper. I can’t say much about it, thanks to the press embargo, except for the new instruments felt pretty good, it looks a little shinier but very much familiar, and ‘No Fail Mode’ is there but off by default.


      Nothing really new to report, though, since it was just a bit of quickplay. Just go read sort of stuff people have already mentioned from preview events at cons. I’d say I’ll find out more next session, but it’ll be almost released by then, anyway!






      So it’s Basically Rockband 2, with new songs and better instruments?


        For quickplay, I suppose, with but with some improvements from RB3 (like being able to change difficulties mid-song: that was introduced in RB3, right?). One thing I didn’t see was all the RB3-style filtering/sorting options for Quickplay. I sure hope that’s in there somewhere!


        Really, I’m hoping for a better campaign mode, but I didn’t see any of that yet. That’ll be the biggest differentiator. I hated RB3 campaign.


        Also saw some of the freestyle guitar at work, which was kind of interesting, but there was no opportunity for it in the song I played on guitar. Oh, and countdown to vocals was nice.


        I can only imagine we’ll see some YouTube videos pop up over the next few days, as bored store employees start breaking street-dates. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


        One thing I didn’t see was all the RB3-style filtering/sorting options for Quickplay. I sure hope that’s in there somewhere!

        Wow I really hope you just didn’t see this and it’s there.  That would be a HUGE omission if it’s not included.  No way they brag about the 1500+ songs available then not give you any way to sort/filter them.  Also, if it’s not there, I sure hope we don’t have to wait for the first update that is 2 months AFTER the launch date.


        Rock Band 5 will now have no instruments, the only instrument is Air Guitar and Air Drums,and Air Mic. 


        i don’t really want to start a new thread just for one small question, so i’m just gonna hope someone can answer here. are freestyle solos also available on bass? it seems logical to do so (especially because it would finally give bassists a semi-unique, fun feature) but i’ve seen absolutely no mention of it.


          Nope they said so.


          Sent from my Galaxy Note 4 using Tapatalk Pro.


            I just played Rock Band 4 at the GameStop in Boston, some HMX devs were there promoting it. They were just doing quickplay, so I didn’t get to see much more than the freestyle guitar solos, which worked surprisingly well.


            The new instruments seemed really nice, though my only point of reference is the RB1 stuff, so I don’t know how different they are from RB2- or RB3-class instruments.


            I asked a dev about wired instruments, they said they were working on hacking in wired-instrument compatibility (at least for the Xbox One) but couldn’t really say any more than that.


              “Hacking” :-p


              Sent from my Galaxy Note 4 using Tapatalk Pro.


              Nope they said so.


              Sent from my Galaxy Note 4 using Tapatalk Pro.

              well that’s just disappointing. :/


              Well, when they said RB4 would be the framework game, they meant it. The gameplay is great, as RB gameplay is, freestyle guitar solos are super fun, and I’ve been enjoying the main disc setlist.  Feature-wise is where the game is lacking, mainly with game options and character/band creation, but supposedly there’s going to be updates to that stuff. RB4’s feeling a lot like an early access game right now, for whatever that would mean to peope. But I gotta say, and not just because of my part in the Road Crew, that I’m enjoying the hell out of it right now. I’ll be keeping my 360 for customs, but I will definitely keep playing RB4 even after my part in the Crew is done.


              Can’t say much about the story mode yet, as I haven’t touched it, but I’m excited to try it out.


                Wow, the character creator really truly sucked.


                  You gotta love this age of gaming.  Pay to play early access games that may never get truly finished.  I have faith the game will get much better down the road but gosh they should of delayed this to next year.


                  You gotta love this age of gaming.  Pay to play early access games that may never get truly finished.  I have faith the game will get much better down the road but gosh they should of delayed this to next year.

                  yeah, i think RB4 is off to a good start, but once it has more features it’ll be a fantastic game. the thing that bothers me most about the “unfinished” aspect, though, is that while it’s functionally similar to an early access game, RB4 is being marketed as something that’s as complete as its predecessors, which is honestly a blatant lie. i understand and respect that Harmonix are doing an awful lot with the budget they’re currently working with, and i agree with them that some features (pro guitar/bass for instance) weren’t really worth keeping. but i still think it might have been worth their while to give RB4 another year of pre-release development; the only reason i can see for not doing that is that Activision would likely still have released GH:Live this year.


                  Campaign’s been fun thus far. Definitely a revamped RB2 campaign, but the game does well to throw some fun twists into the mix. The song voting system, for example, sometimes it’ll give you a song outright as a choice, other times it’ll be vague, like “a song from 1979” or “Something metal”. I chose the latter and the game had me play “Through the Fire and Flames” between 2 tier 0 songs.  Leaving songs up to vote has been a nice feature thus far, probably better with more people fighting over choices, though; I’ve been playing the tour solo thus far, so your choice becomes the choice.

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