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  • #392915

      Please use this thread to report any issues with your posts or PMs following the IPB migration. Do NOT post feature/change requests in this thread — use the other thread for that.


      NOTE: This is only for issues you can’t fix yourself. If your posts are just formatted a little oddly, I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but you can fix that by editing. Only report an issue here if you can’t solve it yourself.


      Hi, might not be an issue, but when I go to “content I follow” and click “goto first unread post” it just takes me to the first page, it seems to have forgetten where I was upto in any thread. It does however still work and other normal threads. not a big issue.


      Hi, “[” and “]” symbols in my nickname were changed to “-” without any notifications  <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

      Any chances to fix it?


      Forgive me if this has been mentioned, and maybe it’s only for me. I can’t access the forums from the forum link on the main site, forums.customcreators.com doesn’t work. I need to go to pksage.com/ccc/ips to access the forums.


        Works fine for me.


        Sent from my Galaxy Note 4 using Tapatalk Pro.


        Yeah, looks like it’s just my work network. Works fine if I take my phone off Wifi and use the mobile network.


        Oh well. Not a big deal.


        It looks like the layout you had yesterday reset to default. Is it just a temporary setback?


        Edit: Sorry, I missed the button on the bottom of the page.


        The search function does not seem to be as effective as it was previously. Also, It appears that it is not possible to perform a second search within a first search as was previously possible.


        Is there any way to save the preference of opening the Full Version on mobile, rather than the mobile version? I find the mobile version impossible to navigate with, especially to try and get to the last page of a topic.


          Is there any way to save the preference of opening the Full Version on mobile, rather than the mobile version? I find the mobile version impossible to navigate with, especially to try and get to the last page of a topic.


          So, pksage launched the new forums this week because we wanted to make clear that we’re not going anywhere, however this has been the busiest week ever (people are still awake in EST to wrap up this release) so this is the best shape we can present right now. The reason I’m replying to you is that, yes, mobile is really unusable, not just “not refined enough”, and the reason is the one I gave. And probably next week will not be the one things get addressed because reasons, but pksage will get to these issues soon. He’s just so awesome that we depend on him to do a few metric tons of stuff so he’s spread a little too thin. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


          So, pksage launched the new forums this week because we wanted to make clear that we’re not going anywhere, however this has been the busiest week ever (people are still awake in EST to wrap up this release) so this is the best shape we can present right now. The reason I’m replying to you is that, yes, mobile is really unusable, not just “not refined enough”, and the reason is the one I gave. And probably next week will not be the one things get addressed because reasons, but pksage will get to these issues soon. He’s just so awesome that we depend on him to do a few metric tons of stuff so he’s spread a little too thin. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


          I completely understand, I wasn’t expecting a ‘fix’ as such, I was mainly wanting to check that I hadn’t missed a way of setting the preference <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> thanks!


            Hi, might not be an issue, but when I go to “content I follow” and click “goto first unread post” it just takes me to the first page, it seems to have forgetten where I was upto in any thread. It does however still work and other normal threads. not a big issue.


            Can you elaborate on this, specifically what is and isn’t working re: “does still work and other normal threads”?


            Hi, “[” and “]” symbols in my nickname were changed to “-” without any notifications  <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif”>

            Any chances to fix it?


            Sorry about that — IPB doesn’t allow square brackets in usernames. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif”> Would parentheses be all right? I can also change your name to something else entirely, if you prefer.


            Forgive me if this has been mentioned, and maybe it’s only for me. I can’t access the forums from the forum link on the main site, forums.customcreators.com doesn’t work. I need to go to pksage.com/ccc/ips to access the forums.


            This is an issue with aggressive cookies in IPB. We’re going to try and fix it early next week by changing how those domains redirect.


            The search function does not seem to be as effective as it was previously. Also, It appears that it is not possible to perform a second search within a first search as was previously possible.


            I’ll add search optimization to our task list when the dust has settled. Some the search stuff might be due to the migration, and it’ll be better at searching posts made from IPB? Not sure.


            Is there any way to save the preference of opening the Full Version on mobile, rather than the mobile version? I find the mobile version impossible to navigate with, especially to try and get to the last page of a topic.


            I just looked into this briefly, and I don’t think so <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif”> That mobile theme is pretty terrible. We’re going to be doing lots of theme/UI stuff in the next month or two, and I’ll make sure a better mobile interface is part of that. In the meantime, I recommend trying the “Talkatap” app for Android and iOS. Download it (it’s free, ad-supported), search for “C3”, and you’re good to go! Nemo swears by it.


              I recommend trying the “Talkatap” app for Android and iOS. Download it (it’s free, ad-supported), search for “C3”, and you’re good to go! Nemo swears by it.



              Sorry about that — IPB doesn’t allow square brackets in usernames. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” /> Would parentheses be all right? I can also change your name to something else entirely, if you prefer.

              Nah, i think i can live with it  :v: 

              I would like to get Member Title (text beneath username) as a [para]dox if its possible please  :wub:


                What do you mean? It’s already done ;-)

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