Downloading Multiple songs or Packs at once

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  • #392876



    Sorry if this has been answered before but I searched and could not find it. Is there a way to download multiple songs, packs or albums at once form the database?


    I want to download a good portion of the songs but I feel it will take a rather long time if I have to do it manually.


    Thank you very much,


    – TheSxe


      No, because:

      – Some songs get updated due to bug fixes or improvements, and no one has the time to keep a pack (or packs) updated

      – C3’s bandwidth costs would shoot through the roof if everyone updated a whole pack every time one song changed

      – C3 couldn’t count individual song downloads.


      Thank you very much for the information.


      Use the Firefox entension DownThemAll. Google it. Then you just set as many downloads as you want, set and forget. I use it cause I have slow net and it comes in handy for downloading 17 rush songs at once <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

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