Warning Rock Band has 3,000 song Limit !!

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    Warning !!! Rock Band has 3,000 song Limit !! This has perhaps been brought to attention before ?

    I found this out the Hard way today. I spent half the night last night building all these awesome con packs.


    Turned on the xbox 360 & crossed my fingers that all songs loaded and played okay.

    Went well till all con packs & songs loaded then RB3 crashed and said I had exceeded the 3,000 song limit and Rock Band could not load properly until I removed some songs to reach under the 3,000 limit. I was like WTF :cripes:


    Dude you have got to be kidding me. I spent half the night making these packs.

    Now I gotta go back & take songs out :wth: Get the Fuck outta here !! :bang:


    Never too Old to Learn something NEW !! :doh:


      Not exactly sure what you are hoping for with this thread?

      The song limit has been known since 2010-2011, virtually everyone on here knows it…and there is nothing you can do about it.


        Yeah I constantly have to micromanage around it cuz I’m up to 4500 songs lol


        I’m pretty sure I read that there will not be a song limit in Rock Band 4.

          I’m pretty sure I read that there will not be a song limit in Rock Band 4.

          Or customs, it’s safe to say.


          Sorry TrojanNemo

          Wasn’t trying to hope for anything with this thread.

          Was just trying to be a kind gamer and warn other players of this apparently well known fact for users who have been here since day 1.

          I only found out about C3 a few months ago. I was unaware of 3000 song limit. All this customs stuff is new to me.


          I am having a blast with the custom songs. Thanks to all authors great work.

          Once again sorry ! Wasn’t trying to waste anyone’s time, effort or $.


          Was intended to let newbie’s like myself on C3 site aware of the 3000 song limit.

          Thank you kind sir.


            The limit has nothing to do with customs though, and many people have hit it without having a single custom on their end.


            I hope I didn’t say anything out of line. I surely didn’t mean to. I just assumed RB4 would be like RB3 and there would still be customs. I’m absolutely ecstatic about customs and my RB3. It will be a really long time before I could play RB4 anyway since I don’t have an XBox One and I won’t buy one just for that.


              Well, you have to think that RB4 will be, at best, like RB3 with TU5 – which still makes customs all but impossible. And considering that it’s on a new platform with new containers (no longer STFS files) and the files themselves are encrypted, and nobody so far has been able to decrypt the containers…it’ll be a while before we can even get at the game files…creating custom content might be incredibly difficult or altogether impossible.


              We’d love to think that HMX loves C3 and will put in a backdoor specifically for us. But I’m more of the belief that they’ve learned from their mistakes and customs on RB4 will be next to impossible.


              It would seem to me like Harmonix would stand to make more profit by letting people take their customs into RB4. You guys are very respectful in not allowing songs that are available through Harmonix and so you don’t take anything away from them but enhance the RB experience. I would imagine a lot of people might be slower to move on to RB4 if they can’t take their customs with them. I’m no business person and I might be wrong but that’s my thoughts. I for one am a little less excited about RB4 now. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

                It would seem to me like Harmonix would stand to make more profit by letting people take their customs into RB4.


                The backdoor is how pirated content was injected in the game. Customs are so easy to load in game, right? Well, so was any DLC people did NOT buy and load in game… Rock Band 4, as Nemo perfectly pointed out, will most likely sport a new audio encryption and an encryption for the containers and/or for the dependencies. They need to protect their investment, it makes perfect sense that customs will be impossible to add to the new game.

                We’d love to think that HMX loves C3 and will put in a backdoor specifically for us

                What about a tightly controlled front door instead?


                It’s wishful thinking, but I’d like an internal song cache that would allow you to transfer up to 20 CON files from a thumb drive into the game. Thinking along the lines of the current PS3 custom process, this cache could work like the “20 free song” folder, except the encryption/conversion would be built into RB4 and there would actually be a hard ceiling of only 20 songs (once you reach that limit, you would have to delete a song in order to add a new one). This cache could also be restricted so that the songs only show up in local Quick Play mode. This restriction, along with the 20 song limit, would effectively reign in piracy and encourage players to choose official DLC over a custom version of the same song.


                I don’t think this would be hard or costly to implement. In fact, I suspect all the code to do this already exists. I also believe this could be pretty well locked down from a security standpoint. The only remaining hurdle would be potential friction from the artists and record companies. To counter those concerns, the focus could be placed on the ability this provides for musicians to insert their own original compositions into the game (much like Music Studio in GH:WT).


                Do I think this is likely? Nah. Still, this is the ONE feature I would most like to see. If it were announced, I would run out and buy a PS4 today.

                  The only remaining hurdle would be potential friction from the artists and record companies.


                  Which is exactly why it will never, never happen intentionally.

                    The only remaining hurdle would be potential friction from the artists and record companies.


                    Which is exactly why it will never, never happen intentionally.


                    I gotta agree with espher. Harmonix may in fact love C3 if not the entire customs community, but you can bet your life the music industry doesn’t share that love. If the record labels were to get wind of Harmonix even thinking about making the game easier to hack, they’d drop their support like a hot potato.


                    Harmonix may not shed any tears if and when someone does figure out how to put customs in Rock Band 4, but for the sake of their livelihood they have to do everything they can to keep it from happening.


                    In hindsight, it amazes me that the iPod ever made it out the gate…

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