ws54’s Customs – Two From The Everly Brothers

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      Newest songs listed first

      As always, all songs include FULL reductions, and most, if not all instruments.


      Profile Page Here:



      Two From The Everly Brothers – August 2, 2019

      Also see the C3X blog post here




      Bird Dog was a #1 hit and Gold Record for the Everly Brothers in August 1958. The audio used is a carefully constructed mix of three different recordings since no single recording contained all of the features I was looking for, making this version unique, but still true to the original. For players, Everly Brothers songs are primarily for Singers and Guitarists and features great 2-part harmonies throughout the song





      Problems was a #2 hit for the Everly Brothers in December 1958, but it has been mostly forgotten by oldies radio. Yet it contains the classic Everly signature sounds. As with most songs by the Everly Brothers, vocals and 2-part Harmonies are featured along with somewhat challenging, yet fun Guitar chart.




      21 new customs from Collective Soul and 3 Doors Down! July 5, 2019


      As part of C3X, instead of listing all of these songs here in the usual way, I will refer you to the blog post for a much more in depth look at each song.


      But here is a list of songs:


      Collective Soul:


      Tremble For My Beloved

      Better Now


      Almost You

      Precious Declaration



      Love Lifted Me



      Comes Back To You

      Disciplined Breakdown



      Crowded Head

      Why Pt 2



      3 Doors Down



      Let Me Go


      The Road I’m On





      Black Sabbath – Killing Yourself To Live June 28, 2019



      Black Sabbath’s 5th album displays a maturing of the band and is highly regarded by critics and band members themselves. It is often referred to as Sabbath’s last great album. The album experiments with strings, keyboards, synthesizers and more progressive arrangements, all without losing the essence of who they are. For me personally, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, the album, hits the sweet spot. It is not too dark sounding as their earlier albums were, and the songs are more melodic. The entire album is recommended, but the title track and this song, Killing Yourself To Live, are the two absolute essentials.

      Credit: CrazyCanuck‘s Expert Drums chart was used.




      The Beatles – I’m So Tired (Anthology Version) May 14, 2019



      The Anthology version of I’m So Tired has always been the definitive version of this song as far as I am concerned. The White Album studio version, I feel, is over-produced and doesn’t capture John Lennon in his best voice. If you have not checked out the Anthology boxed sets you are missing out on a whole new way to hear those songs that I find to be refreshing after hearing the standard versions so many times.




      Collective Soul – 5 from “Afterwords” AlbumApr 30, 2018

      Their 7th Studio Album “Afterwords” finds the band in a good place. The songs are quite positive and uplifting. The songs get closest to being pop rock compared to their body of work, but they don’t lose their signature style. Many of the songs feature some subtle experimentation with textures, especially on drums. I find myself drawn to this album over and over for its upbeat summery feel. It is a very happy sounding album which is what we all need right?


      If you are even a casual fan of Collective Soul you should not pass on these just because you may not know them. I don’t think Collective Soul has ever made a bad song, and these are among their best!


      And if you like these, don’t forget to get my earlier released song from this same album “Hollywood” if you don’t have it already.



      Collective Soul – All That I Know – Apr 30, 2018



      This is the first of 5 songs (6 if you count my previously released custom “Hollywood”) from Collective Soul’s 7th studio Album “Afterwords.” This song is as infectiously catchy as “Hollywood” and so are the charts.

      Guitar is great fun with a relatively easy solo, but somewhat tricky chorus.
      Drums feature an interesting pattern on the verses that may be challenging for many.
      Vocals feature Ed Roland’s signature style of often going up an octave, which always makes things difficult if you sing it the same way (I don’t.)



      Collective Soul – Never Here Alone – Apr 30, 2018



      This one almost didn’t happen. The drums are complicated and I am fairly sure a drum sequencer was used to give the song a very interesting pattern and texture. Drum fills seem to be a mix of electronic and regular and were especially challenging to chart. I may have done it wrong, but I did my best. Try it out and see what you think. I’m willing to change it if necessary.


      I love the guitar in the song which is what drove me to finish the song despite the drums being a challenge to chart. And the guitar chart turned out to be a lot of fun. Probably my favorite chart of the pack.


      The Bass chart is one of the more interesting charts of the pack. Definitely check that out. Vocals are not quite as challenging as most songs from Collective Soul.



      Collective Soul – Bearing Witness – Apr 30, 2018



      My favorite song of the pack and on this album. This song has a very atmospheric quality to it that is quite soothing. It has a mesmerizing effect on me that I can’t get enough of.


      There is nothing special about the charts except that they are charts for one of the best songs ever! You’ll breeze through Drums and Bass. Guitar and Vocals will be only a little more challenging, with some great harmonies.


      I wish I could have charted keys. They really add to the ethereal sound of the song.



      Collective Soul – Good Morning After All – Apr 30, 2018



      The most personal and introspective song of the pack, Good Morning After All reflects struggles that we all face in life and does it in a way that builds up and offers hope. The song builds to a very satisfying finish, especially on Guitar and Drums.


      This song also features keys, which are never that difficult. Note that the keys are often hard to hear in the mix, but I was able to separate them out well enough to chart them, so they should be a reasonable interpretation.



      Collective Soul – Persuasion Of You – Apr 30, 2018



      Collective Soul are master of the hook. Guitar hooks, bass hooks, drum hooks. You name it and they are in this song.

      The other songs in this pack are quieter, more reflective songs that are every bit as good, but sometimes you just want to rock out and challenge yourself. This song will do that for you.


      I can’t separate out features of the charts because the entire song on every instrument is a feature, but be ready on drums to especially be challenged in parts of the song.



      Collective Soul – Gel – Apr 29, 2018



      This early tune from Collective Soul is still one of their best and it deserves the full band treatment!


      According to Ed Roland, Gel was the first song the band ever recorded together. Wait! Didn’t they have an album before this one? As many longtime fans know, the first collective soul album (the one with Shine on it) was just a demo that Ed recorded himself and was never intended to be released in that form.


      Side Note: There is a guitar only custom of this song in the DB, but my custom is all original.



      The Hollies – 7-Pack – Apr 24, 2018

      The Hollies were part of the British Invasion and not many had more hits. Recording at Abbey Road, they had over 30 charting singles on the UK Singles Chart, and 22 on the Billboard Hot 100. They are one of the few British groups of the early 1960s, along with the Rolling Stones, that have never disbanded and continue to record and perform. In recognition of their achievements, the Hollies were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2010.


      The Hollies are well known for their incredible 3-part harmonies featuring Allan Clarke, Graham Nash (later replaced by Terry Sylvester,) along with Tony Hicks finishing off the harmonies. The harmonies were so strong that they often overpowered the main melody. So much so that at times I find that I am often singing the harmony parts when just casually singing along. That is bound to throw some players off at times since I tried to be true to which singer was singing which part.


      Graham Nash left The Hollies in 1968 for many reasons, but he wanted to have a larger role in directing the Hollies, and hated that they wanted to do an album of Bob Dylan covers (and that the Hollies didn’t want to record Nash’s Marrakesh Express.) It was also clear that Nash wanted to do more serious music and so in 1968 he left to form Crosby Stills and Nash, replaced by Terry Sylvester who did a fine job replacing Nash’s harmonies. Ironically, three of the Hollies biggest and most enduring and mature hits came after Nash left the group (He Ain’t Heavy He’s My Brother, Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress, and The Air That I Breathe.)



      The Hollies – Bus Stop – Apr 24, 2018



      Although the Hollies had minor hits before Bus Stop, this was the Hollies breakthrough hit in the US. Written by Graham Gouldman, who also wrote other Hollies hits, along with Herman’s Hermits’ “No Milk Today” and “Listen People” and several other well known songs.


      Guitar is fun in that it offers a lot of hand movement, Two guitar solos, and an intro that is not repeated.


      Bass, although simple, is also fun with good hand movement.


      Vocals feature Alan Clarke and Graham Nash at their finest two-part harmonies. Some songs are difficult to harmonize, but Graham Nash’s harmonies are so prominent that this should be a great song for two singers to play.


      Drums: Except for the fact that the tempo of the song is fairly fast, and just a couple of slightly tricky fills, the song is straight forward on drums.



      The Hollies – On A Carousel – Apr 24, 2018



      The Hollies typically looked for great songs from other artists or writers and then applied their signature style to the song. They were so successful at this that their versions usually became the most well-known versions of the songs.


      On a Carousel was one of, if not the first hits written by the members of the Hollies themselves. The instrumentation and vocal delivery cleverly reflects the lyrical content of being on a carousel, going up and down and round and round.


      Guitar: The theme of the song is solidly reflected in the guitar chart. Very fun to play for that reason.


      Bass: The Bass reinforces the up and down theme of the song by repeatedly going from green to orange. I also hear chords which is unusual for a Bass chart.


      Drums: Drums are typical of a Hollies song in that there are easy drum fills and not too difficult patterns, but this would be one of their more challenging songs. The kicks were very difficult to hear in the original song in certain places and so hopefully they are good enough and placed where they would be expected to be.


      Vocals: Although not too as difficult for a solo singer, add in the harmonies and it becomes quite a challenge.



      The Hollies – The Air That I Breathe – Apr 24, 2018



      The Air that I breathe was the last big hit for The Hollies. It was written by Albert Hammond who also had the popular hit for himself “It Never Rains in Southern California” and co-writer Mike Hazlewood.


      Although written as a love song with a specific girl in mind after a short relationship, Albert Hammond explained that it is more about the loneliness that he felt living in LA at the time and his longing to be back in a familiar place with family and loved ones. The title of the song was interestingly inspired by the heavy smog that lingered in LA in the 1970s that made a large impression on the songwriters after moving there.


      According to the wikipedia page: “The 1992 Radiohead song ‘Creep’ uses a similar chord progression and shares some melodic content with “The Air That I Breathe”.[3] As a result, the song’s publisher sued Radiohead for copyright infringement and an out of court settlement was reached.” Hammond/Hazlewood are now credited as co-composers of “Creep.”


      Guitar: This is a combination of electric and acoustic guitars. The slightly tricky introduction and two easy solos are electric and the rest is acoustic.


      Bass: Nothing difficult here. Just keep the rhythm and spend the rest of your time listening to the beautiful vocals, or perhaps try singing while on Bass.


      Drums: As with most of the Hollies songs, the drums aren’t the main feature. But they build towards the middle and end with a nice variety of simple fills.


      Vocals: Some of the best two-part harmonies you’ll ever hear. Incidentally, the Every Brothers, who are most famous for their two-part harmonies also recorded this song before the Hollies did it. (If there’s a 3rd harmony, I don’t hear it or they are singing the same notes, so 3rd harmony is not charted.)


      Keys: Sorry, keys were not charted for this song. I tried, but the orchestral arrangement made it quite difficult for me. But I’d love to add them so contact me if you can do them.



      The Hollies – He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother – Apr 24, 2018



      The origin of the title phrase is disputed, but it may be traceable back to 1884. But was definitely in usage in the early 1900’s. He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother was written by Bobby Scott and Bob Russell. Bob Russell had been dying of cancer while writing this song which may explain the emotional intensity of the song.


      The keys feature a then unknown Reggie Dwight, today known as Elton John. It was reported that he was paid 12 pounds for his contribution.


      This masterpiece was the second single The Hollies released after Graham Nash left the group to form Crosby, Stills, and Nash. At the Hollies 2010 induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Graham Nash opined that the Hollies waited until he was gone before writing their biggest and best hits, which is ironic because one of the reasons Graham Nash left the Hollies was because he didn’t feel like the Hollies were doing serious music.


      I hope you don’t mind the liberty I took with the ending. A long fade out didn’t seem appropriate for it for Rockband, so I found an early live version of the song and merged its ending onto the studio version. Unfortunately the sonic quality is not quite the same, but I think it is a worthwhile compromise. Judge for yourself, but perhaps you’ll be too preoccupied playing the song to notice?


      Vocals and Keys are the real challenge on the song, but sometimes it’s nice to just sit back and enjoy the song while gently playing along.


      The keys are where the real difficulty will be found. Only the piano was charted to the keys chart. Due to Rock Band limitations the chords had to often be adjusted so that the highest note became the lowest note in the chords. So don’t expect a perfect transcription, but considering they were hard to hear at times, I think they came out pretty good.


      Guitar: There is no guitar that I can hear on the song, so the Harmonica and Strings are charted to Guitar.


      Drums get somewhat interesting towards the bridge and end of the song, but never difficult. Perfect for a drums novice like myself.


      Bass never gets very difficult, but the bass is clearly audible in the mix throughout the song which is a good thing.




      The Hollies – Too Young To Be Married – Apr 24, 2018



      Featuring an exceptionally strong vocal by Allan Clarke, Too Young To Be Married tells the somewhat schmaltzy but realistic story of a young couple that must face the responsibilities of taking care of a baby they didn’t plan for. It is one of the Hollies’ more underappreciated songs and features a beautiful Spanish guitar solo that you should not miss.


      Guitar: The Spanish guitar solo is the feature of the song and the main reason I decided to do this custom. It’s a nice long solo (for a song of that time period) and challenging but not overly difficult.


      Bass: Slightly harder than an average Hollies song. But still nothing you won’t gold star sooner or later.


      Drums: Drums aren’t the main feature as they are only played in about half the song and are fairly simple at that.


      Vocals: Solo vocalists will handle these vocals well enough. The challenge is in the harmonies as is often the case with Hollies songs


      Keys: Sorry, I could have charted the horns and a couple of chords at the end to keys but chose not to for such a small part.



      The Hollies – 4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy) – Apr 24, 2018



      The Hollies recorded Bruce Springsteen’s 4th of July, Asbury Park giving it the Hollies renowned 3-part harmonies, aiming squarely for a hit radio version of the song. As such, they reworked the arrangement and lyrics, and of course had to make the song shorter for radio.


      While I still appreciate Springsteen’s version of this song, I prefer the smoothness and harmonies of the Hollies version more. That is just my own opinion, but then again, I heard the Hollies version of this song first and I suspect that people will remember more fondly the first version that they heard of this great song. The Hollies version of “Sandy” became Bruce Springsteen’s first chart success.


      Guitar features an acoustic guitar which means lots of 3 note chords and nice hand movement, but nothing too difficult, with time to change hand positions.


      Keys: Keys and Pro keys, although fairly easy, may require a little two-handed play since some notes are held while others are played. I wasn’t going to do keys at first for this song, but there are important parts of the song that are meant to give the feel of being on the boardwalk and so I had to do them.


      Vocals feature the Hollies signature 3-part harmonies. The high harmony part that Graham Nash sings comes through distinctly and should be fun. The lower harmony could be challenging. Of course, the main vocals by Allan Clarke are always strong.


      Drums are basic and should be perfect for novices. Experts won’t be challenged though with idle parts in the song, but it is such a great song that you may not notice. There are some bongos charted to drums. Hopefully I did those right.


      Bass is not difficult, but you will need to pay attention to hammer-ons and some changes of patterns at various places in the song.



      The Hollies – Long Dark Road – Apr 24, 2018



      This is one of my personal favorites from the Hollies which shows them maturing as performers and songwriters. This song was written by Tony Hicks of the Hollies, and taken from the same album as Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress (also written one of the Hollies.)


      Guitar: An acoustic guitar is played throughout the song, so expect a lot of chord changes and 3 note chords. But the notes never come faster than 1/8 notes so it’s not too hard.


      Bass: One of their more difficult Bass charts, but they never get too difficult, Just have to pay attention to the HOPOs.


      Drums: On the easy side, but as usual with Hollies songs, they get more interesting as the song progresses.


      Vocals: Although not too as difficult for a solo singer, add in the harmonies and it becomes quite a challenge.

      The end of the song has Allan Clarke getting intense. I doubt many people normally sing along to his part at the end, but it was charted so as to be accurate.


      Keys: A Wurlitzer sounding keys part is charted. The pro keys part is fairly simple and was charted by ear, so please forgive if it is not as fleshed out as it perhaps it should be.


      Harmonica: Too bad we didn’t have a Harmonica instrument in Rock Band. This song features some nice work there. Since there were other keys to play during many of the harmonica parts, I didn’t chart the harmonica.



      Goo Goo Dolls – Let Love In – Feb 24, 2018



      Despite the intensity of this song, this is a nice chill song to play on all instruments for when you just prefer to not be challenged as much. That doesn’t mean it’s not fun though. Unfortunately, I was not able to chart keys.


      Goo Goo Dolls – Broadway – Feb 24, 2018



      This song is a blast to play on all instruments. It is especially great on guitar. The in-game preview is set to my favorite line in the lyrics which you’ll have to check out if you want to know what that is. Unfortunately, I was not able to chart keys.



      Goo Goo Dolls – Black Balloon – Feb 24, 2018



      Some people will say that Iris is the Goo Goo Dolls’ best song, but for me, this is the one. Unfortunately, I was not able to chart keys.



      Brandi Carlile – Mar 6, 2017


      This is a different kind of song for me to chart. Despite the 1 dots on guitar, bass, and drums, all instruments are a lot of fun. Guitar is always good (or else I wouldn’t chart it,) but Vocals are exceptionally strong here and will challenge even the best singers.

      Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers – Feb 25, 2017

      One of Tom Petty’s best songs from the second half of his career, this song should have been a big hit but it came at a time when it was no longer popular to promote this kind of music on the radio, although the album did manage to go gold. The song, and album, is emotionally charged due to Petty’s recent divorce at the time. Despite that, the song generally takes a positive outlook.

      Guitar and Vocals are the highlights of the song for players. Guitar features a sloppy solo and I charted it that way since that was how it was meant to be. Vocals won’t give a lot of challenge but harmonies might. Vocals are good simply because the words are so powerful and meaningful.

      Badfinger – Feb 20, 2017

      No Matter What from Badfinger is another essential track from the power pop era of the early 70’s. Out of Badfinger’s big 4 hits, this is the 3rd to be available to play in Rockband. Now if we could only get someone to do Come and Get It.

      It turned out to be a pretty chill song to play in Rock Band even though the sum of its parts would suggest something more complicated.

      Herman’s Hermits – Feb 15, 2017

      I recently received a nice message from a player that thanked me for doing the previous 6 Herman’s Hermits songs and how they helped get his father more involved in Rockband. I was in an oldies mood and so I figured I’d see what else I could chart from them easily. This song came together very quickly – about 8 hours from start to finish. (I usually take 20+ hours on my songs.)

      The main features of Leaning on a Lamp Post are the guitar and Vocals parts. Guitar is a lot of fun and quite challenging for an oldie, and vocals seem like they should be easy, but then you realize just how talented and pitch-perfect Peter Noone was and realize that it’s not as easy as it seems. On Drums, I had to take some liberties in order to keep the integrity of the song even on easy, and other things. I don’t know if I made the correct call, so leave me feedback if you disagree with my choices.

      Raspberries – Feb 10, 2017

      Many people describe this song as the ultimate power pop song. It certainly has to be in the top 10 and shows up on many different lists of the greatest songs of all time. This song, along with Badfinger’s Baby Blue typify what the early 70’s pop rock was all about. It was a great era.

      Don’t let the 1 dot difficulty on guitar fool you. The song is a lot of fun to play despite it’s simplicity. Bass, although fairly easy throws in a couple of surprises that will keep you on your toes. Harmonies were very challenging to chart. I hope they turned out ok.

      This is a collaboration between myself and wingsoveramerica. Many thanks to wings for suggesting this song and working on it with me!

      Rose Garden – Feb 6, 2017

      It is time to switch things up. This is a forgotten oldie if there ever was one. It was the first record I ever bought. I was a little kid in 1967 and bought the 45 with my own money (about 49 cents if I remember right.) It was only after many years that I realized that it was a female lead singer on this song. What a great voice she has!

      This song is especially good on guitar and vocals. Bass is fun, and drums has a subtle swing beat.

      UFO 4-Pack added Jan 24, 2017

      Although my UFO tastes run the gamut of the band’s 45 years and I tend to want to chart the more recent songs I assumed many of you aren’t as die-hard as I am and want something from their earlier career. This one is a prime example that more people are likely to know.

      I had to simplify the drums because it was filled with quick 16th hi-hat notes paired with snares that only an alien could hit. I’m open to other interpretations if you have a better approach.
      Added: Jan 24, 2017

      This is a great example of latter day UFO. It comes from the same album as a previous custom from me Baby Blue. Lots of good songs on this album and another one of them is on my to do list. It features an unusual guitar solo.
      Added: Jan 24, 2017

      If you are a UFO fan and have not heard this album or if you one of those that say UFO isn’t much without Michael Schenker then definitely check this out. It is like it is 1975 all over again.

      Although this does not have Pro Keys, I may go back at some time in the future and add them. But 5-lane keys are there.
      Added: Jan 24, 2017

      This song was previously released as a Guitar only custom. It is now full band including Pro Keys!
      Such a good song deserved the full treatment.
      Added: Jan 24, 2017

      The final song of my 7-Pack is the haunting and very beautiful acoustic version of While My Guitar Gently Weeps. George Harrison’s voice is amazing in this and vocalists should enjoy this very much. This Anthology version features a 3rd verse that was left out of the standard version. I love almost any version of this song, but I think I prefer this one most.

      There are two guitars in this song, but they were fairly distinct and I was able to chart the lower pitched guitar to Bass. Both are really fun and laid-back to play.

      I almost skipped Keys but gave it one last try and came up with something that I think is fairly reasonable considering the keys are way back in the mix in some parts. If you’re a pro player and hear something different, let me know.
      Added: Dec 30, 2016

      A real gem from one of Collective Soul’s later albums. The song is interesting in that it has several tempo changes that should make for a lot of fun on all instruments.

      Highlights are on Guitar where it starts with some fun chording followed by equally fun alt-strumming. Repeat, then end with a really nice and long down-tempo guitar solo. Vocals are challenging in that the lyrics are fast and you will need a lot of breath to sing it well, in addition to switching into falsetto as if it were nothing.
      Added: Dec 30, 2016

      The first of 7 new songs over the next couple of days is one of my favorites by Collective Soul. This song just makes me think of Summer and that puts me in a good mood. I’m not sure why there isn’t more Collective Soul in Rockband but this song will be joined by another CS song soon

      This is a poppy, but laid back song to play on all instruments. Just one slightly tricky part in Drums in the break.
      Added: Dec 29, 2016

      Song 2 of my 7-Pack (to be released over the next couple of days) is a song that has been in development for 2-3 years and was a team effort by espher, DVDSmith, and myself. The song has been polished up and made complete, except for no keys. It has a very good Pro Keys part already charted (by espher?) and if espher or another qualified author would like to do the work to complete it then contact me.

      This was meant to be an official C3 release as part of an “Elite Beat Agents” pack of songs that never materialized, although you can find several EBA songs in the C3 database, so create your own pack in honor of that great Nintendo DS game.

      Despite Freddie Mercury’s vocal range, this song should not give you much trouble on vocals. Guitar is rated a 5 for an intense solo (that I can’t play,) but other than that the rest of the guitar chart is a very fun “3.” Bass is fun and should not be missed. I’m not a drummer, so draw your own conclusions there.
      Added: Dec 29, 2016

      Song 3 of 7 is a deep cut from one of UFO’s later Albums (which should not be ignored since there are many great songs on them.) UFO’s emotionally charged Baby Blue is a personal favorite of mine (aren’t they all?) Despite being a “newer” UFO song, Phil Mogg’s voice is powerful and in still great shape on this album.

      It starts with an acoustic guitar and then builds into a full on rocker with syncopated drums and singing style. As with most of my customs, guitar is the primary focus and features a really nice and doable flamenco guitar solo.

      wingsoveramerica helped with drums on this one which were very challenging for me to chart. Although I didn’t use his chart outright, I took many ideas from it and applied it to my chart. So thanks for that help!
      Added: Dec 29, 2016

      Song 4 of 7 is an album cut from 3 Door’s Down multi-platinum album Away From the Sun. It is atmospheric and intense at the same time.

      Fun especially on guitar and very challenging on drums with an easy vocal and bass.
      Added: Dec 29, 2016

      The 5th of 7 songs is another track from the Elite Beat Agents soundtrack. This is a collaboration between DVDSmith, espher, and myself.

      This was meant to be an official C3 release as part of an “Elite Beat Agents” pack of songs that never materialized. There are a few EBA songs in the C3 database, so create your own EBA pack. Elite Beat Agents is a truly great game and reason enough to buy a Nintendo DS if you don’t have one.
      Added: Dec 29, 2016

      I’ve been working on this one off and on for months and it is time to put it out to pasture.
      Added Jan 9, 2016

      Gettin’ Ready is from UFO’s biggest album and from the same album as Too Hot to Handle (recently released through C3.)

      This is my favorite UFO song. It is not particularly difficult on any instrument but it has some great drum fills and a nice doable guitar solo and bridge. Vocals feature two-part harmony (which I’ve never really discerned before doing this chart.) Bass won’t really impress, but you probably won’t snooze either.
      Added Oct 9, 2015

      My intention was to make this a full band C3 release but then I listened closer and knew I couldn’t do justice to those keys, and drums weren’t clear either. So for now, this will be Guitar Only with all difficulties. Later I may add Bass and Vocals.

      Guitar is a HOPO-Fest and great finger exercise.

      Added Oct 7, 2015

      Those familiar with Yes, will instantly recognize these names as 4 prominent members of that band. ABWH started as a Jon Anderson solo project and was joined by 3 other members of Yes, but they could not contractually use the name Yes, so they just used their 4 names, unofficially shortened to ABWH.

      There are a few small things keeping this from being an official release and the song has been languishing for a year and a half so I am going to release it as a bonus custom as it is. It is a very special song to me with a lot of meaning and it should be available to everyone.

      The thing that is so hard about this song (and also so great) is that there are two acoustic guitars playing simultaneously and it is very difficult to separate them into two different instrument charts (and agree that it is right.) One of the guitars is charted to Bass (there is no actual Bass Guitar or Drums in this song.)

      This song also has very atmospheric keys. Instead of charting them as Pro keys and doing it wrong, I just added 5-lane keys. I’d be happy to go back and update this if any keys experts wish to contribute. Enjoy!
      Added Oct 7, 2015

      This song has complicated keys that I could not do and could not find anyone to author them and so please enjoy this otherwise FB “near C3” quality custom that is complete except without keys.

      It is a chill song with easy but fun guitar solos. And it is pretty fun for harmonies.
      Added Oct 7, 2015


      Great choice, thanks for sharing!


        This is a great song and it really was a bummer we couldn’t use it, I absolutely suggest anyone who love good music to download it!


          Love this song, thank you for sharing it. I look forward to what else is coming.


          Sweet,looking forward to try it out.


            Great song. Looking forward to playing it. Thanks for your work!


            FYI, looks like the link didn’t work. Anybody else have this problem?


            Thanks for the Clapton! Can’t wait to see what else you have in store.


              Sometimes when I click on the link nothing happens. You can right-click the link and choose Open in new window and then it works.


                worked fine for me…stoked too coz i always dug this tune

                cheers ws54



                  Oh man I have a buddy who’ll love this. Thanks!


                  Good to have you back! You always put out qualiy stuff from music right up my alley.


                  Thanks for the Clapton and I look forward to what you put out next.


                    The OP is updated with a new song Let’s Pretend, by Anderson Bruford Wakeman and Howe (aka ABWH)


                      Links to PS3 versions were added.


                        OP updated with new song Silhouettes by Herman’s Hermits – Guitar Only. I wish I could have done more but I thought it would be better to release it as is than to sit on it forever. It’s a challenge.


                          Thanks for this! I do like Silhouettes quite a bit and its great to see it’s release. If you are able to add more, awesome, but if not….thank you very much for releasing what you have done. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

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