DG’s Customs (WIP)

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  • #391861

    Yoyo. I’m DeferredGalaxy3, or as people may know me, Nathaniel Whitlock from the RB Forums. There are a ton of songs I have made and I’m planning on releasing them to these forums, because charting is fun.


    Anyway, I’ve already made some progress for the Phase Shift department, and I’m going to complete them here. I’ll mostly be releasing my own songs, but I might work on a few others, as well.


    Anyway, I’ll be working on my Outside… WITHOUT SHOES album first, and if all goes well, maybe I’ll release my I’m N3kk16! album, as well. I don’t know.






    Nathaniel Whitlock – This Is My Rage Face


    Updated March 3rd, 2015

    Drums – Expert is completed, need to do everything else

    Bass – Expert is completed, need to do everything else

    Guitar – Expert is completed, need to do everything else

    Vocals – Got some harmonies done, but I need to complete everything else

    Keys – Expert is completed, need to do everything else

    Pro Keys – Expert is completed, need to do everything else

    Venues, Events, etc. – TO DO


    Nathaniel Whitlock – Rainbow Dash


    Updated March 3rd, 2015

    Drums – Expert and overdrive markers are completed, need to do everything else

    Bass – Expert is completed, need to do everything else

    Guitar – Expert is completed, need to do everything else

    Vocals – Got some harmonies done, but I need to complete everything else

    Keys – Expert is almost completed, need to do everything else

    Pro Keys – Expert is completed, need to do everything else

    Venues, Events, etc. – TO DO


    Nathaniel Whitlock – Circles (OWS Mix)


    Updated March 3rd, 2015

    Drums – Expert and completed, need to do everything else

    Bass – Expert is completed, need to do everything else

    Guitar – Expert is completed, need to do everything else

    Vocals – Harmonies are completed, but I need to complete everything else

    Keys – Expert is completed, need to do everything else

    Pro Keys – Completed

    Venues, Events, etc. – TO DO


    Nathaniel Whitlock – Ice Cream


    Updated March 3rd, 2015

    I swear, I have been working on this. The RPP has probably been saved in some obscure spot, but I am working on it.


    Nathaniel Whitlock – Go To Hibernate (You Look Tired)


    Updated March 3rd, 2015

    Drums – Expert and need to do everything else

    Everything Else – TO DO




    I LIKE TO POTTY! (VidRhythm)


    Updated April 3rd, 2015.


    Everything is near complete. Just need a VENUE track and it’ll be on its way.





    Updated March 17th, 2015


    Everything is almost complete, just let me get the VENUE tracks ready and over with.




    Updated March 17th, 2015


    Everything is almost complete, just let me get the VENUE tracks ready and over with.


    Jack at the Drivethru (Feat. Jack)


    Updated March 17th, 2015


    Everything is almost complete, just let me get the VENUE tracks ready and over with.




    Updated March 17th, 2015


    Everything is almost complete, just let me get the VENUE tracks ready and over with.


    Shogo Sakai


    Shogo Sakai – Welcome to Mother3 World


    Updated March 17th, 2015


    I’ve just started charting this, give me time to finish Expert.




    Windows – Trip Through The Grand Canyon


    Updated April 3rd, 2015


    I’ve just started charting this, give me time to finish Expert.


    Windows – Passport Please


    Updated April 3rd, 2015


    I’ve just started charting this, give me time to finish Expert.




    Nintendo – Sacred Stones Attack Medley


    Updated April 3rd, 2015


    Expert complete. Reductions and VENUES needed.




    So, yeah. Here we go.


    These are all songs I’m currently working on. For complete songs, go here: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3853


    UPDATE: Added four Nathaniel Whitlock songs, and one Mother3 song.


    I recently remember that I had released four tracks for the Phase Shift forums, and I’m completing them here. They all have all four difficulties charted and they just need a little completion. Heck, some of them even have animation events. As soon as I can complete them, I will release those tracks here.


    With that, I am going to start authoring songs from the Nintendo game series Mother and Earthbound (Whatever you want to call it. I personally prefer Mother.). How I’m going to do this is I’m going to author songs from the Mother 3i, Mother 3+, Mother Vocal, and Mother 1+2 albums. I’m going to make sure that all these albums get some customs. So there.


    Of course as I am only allowed to display songs I am currently charting, and not just in my queue, I’m only going to list the one I’m currently charting. “Welcome to Mother3 World” is the first I’m going for. First, because it seems the easiest to author, and secondly, because I’m going in order of tracks. I might need a bit of help, too, since I’m working with one track alone, and not separate source tracks. So there, I hope to complete the lots of customs I have failed to during my Phase Shift…. uh… phase of development.


    UPDATE: More songs, and limit hit.


    Alright, I’m adding three more songs to this list. Before reading any further, yes, I am near complete with most of these. I LIKE TO POTTY is near complete, and the four I’m Nekkid tracks just need a VENUE track. I do not expect to get any of these done quickly, but I will try to make them high quality.


    With that said, I’m adding Sacred Stones Battle Medley, passport.mid, and canyon.mid to the mix.


    “Sacred Stones Battle Medley” contains seven tracks from Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones, specifically, in order, Attack, Defence, The Battle Must Be Won, Powerful Foe, Sacred Strength, The Prince’s Despair, and Return of the Demon King. I’ve actually been working on this for a while, and just have neglected to tell anyone for some odd reason. So without further ado, Sacred Stones Battle Medley’s Expert Chart is finished, so reductions and animation events are a necessity.


    The other two tracks are MIDI files dear to my heart from one of my first computers I’ve ever own/shared with my siblings. “Passport, Please” (passport.mid) and “Trip Through The Grand Canyon” (canyon.mid) are two tracks I’m authoring just for the sake of nostagia. These were MIDI files released on Windows 95 that I found in the C:/Windows/Media folder, and I found on my own. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” /> It was pretty difficult to retrieve these MIDIs, but as of now, I am charting them, and releasing them to C3. Yay. Any further news will be updated in the future.


    And that’s about where I’m going as of now with songs until I get the five near-complete tracks finished. I don’t want to overload myself. Again, I AM sticking to the C3 rules, these ARE songs I’m working on, and they are putting a load on me. So I’m not adding ANYTHING ELSE to this list until I finish five of these tracks. I’m trying to not overload myself with work, so yeah, just expect these tracks I’m working on to be completed, soon.

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