Compiling short songs

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      I have a song that is 21 seconds long. I am unable to compile the song because Magma keeps saying the preview start time needs to be 30 seconds before the end of the song. Magma is also telling me I don’t have any drum overdrive fills which is a lie. I have one placed in the song. Is there a way to bypass this preview start time? I’m using Magma C3 Roks V3.2.3


        There is no way to bypass that, but you can tack on blank space at the end of the song audio. In game, once you hit the [end] event the song will stop.


          Thanks for the tip. I used Audacity to add 12 seconds of silence to the track and now it compiles. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

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