Bands I’d like to see or see more of

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  • #391150

    *Update* Added some songs for each that I think would be fun to play


    GBDVK=Guitar, Bass, Drums, Vocals, Keyboard


    Alkaline Trio


    Time To Waste |GBDVK|


    Back To Hell |GBDV|


    Smoke |GBDVK|



    The Aquabats!


    Fashion Zombies! |GBDV|


    Stuck in a Movie! |GBDV|


    Hey Homies! |GBDVK|





    They Looked Like Strong Hands |GBDV|


    Don’t Call Me Peanut |GVK|


    A Call to Arms |GBDV|


    Landing Feet First |GBDV|



    Brand New


    Sic Transit Gloria…Glory Fades |GBDV|


    I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light |GBDV|


    Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don’t |GBDV|


    The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows |GBDV|


    Jaws Theme Swimming |GBDV|


    Millstone |GBDV|


    Degausser |GBDV|


    You Won’t Know |GBDV|


    The Archers Bows Have Broken |GBDV|



    Days Away


    Stay the Same |GBDV|


    It’s Not Over |GBDV|


    T. Kline’s Decline |GBDV|



    Explosions in the Sky


    Your Hand in Mine |GBD|



    Gym Class heroes


    The Queen and I |GBDV|


    Pretrified Life and the Twice Told Joke (Decrepit Bricks) |GBDV|


    Everyday’s Forecast |GBDV|


    Simple Livin’ |GBDV|


    Cupid’s Chokehold |GBDVK|


    Kid Nothing Vs. The Echo Factor |GBDV|



    The Hush Sound


    Honey |GBDVK|


    The Boys Are Too Refined |GBDVK|


    That’s Okay |BDVK|


    Hospital Bed Crawl |GBDVK|


    A Dark Congregation |GBDVK|


    Don’t Wake Me Up |GBDVK|


    Magnolia |GBDVK|





    Giant’s Sleeping |GBDV|


    Biomusicology |GBDV|



    La Dispute


    Woman Reading |GBDV|


    Bury Your Flame |GBDV|


    The Last Lost Continent |GBDV|


    St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church Blues |GBDV|


    A Letter |GBDV|


    Safer in the Forest – Love Song for Poor Michigan |GBDV|


    King Park |GBDV|


    All Our Bruised Bodies and the Whole Heart Shrinks |GBDV|


    You and I in Unison |GBDV|



    Monty Are I


    In This Legacy |GBDVK|


    Only The Weak |GBDV|



    October Fall


    If We’re All Alone, Aren’t We in This Together? |GBDVK|


    Second Chances |GBDVK|


    Caught in the Rain |GBDVK|



    The Receiving End of Sirens


    The Evidence |GBDV|


    Planning a Prison Break |GBDV|


    Broadcast Quality |GBDVK|



    Rise Against


    Anywhere But Here |GBDV|


    Dancing For Rain |GBDV|


    Life Less Frightening |GBDV|


    Blood To Bleed |GBDV|


    Injection |GBDV|



    Sage Francis


    Sea Lion |GBDV|


    Civil Disobedience |BDVK|


    Little Houdini |GBDVK|


    Love the Lie |GBDVK|



    Sea Wolf


    Neutral Ground |GBDV|


    Old Friend |GBDVK|



    Story of the Year


    The Black Swan |GBDV|


    And the Hero Will Drown |GBDV|


    Swallow the Knife |GBDV|


    Page Avenue |GBDV|



    Straylight Run


    The Words We Say |GBDVK?|


    Take it to Manhattan |GBDVK|


    Hands in the Sky (Big Shot) |GBDV|


    Existentialism on Prom Night |GBDVK|



    Taking Back Sunday


    Bonus Mosh Pt. II |GBDV|



    This Photograph is Proof (I Know You Know) |GBDV|





    Flags of Dawn |GBDV|


    For Miles |GBDVK|


    Red Sky |GBDVK|



    Twenty One pilots


    Fall Away |BDVK|


    Addict With a Pen |BDVK|


    Holding Onto You |GBDVK|


    House of Gold |GBDVK|


    Car Radio |DVK|


    Semi-Automatic |BDVK|


    Screen |GBDVK|



    We Came As Romans


    Dreams |GBDV|


    Broken Statues |GBDVK|


    A War Inside |GBDVK|


    Views That Never Cease to Keep Me From Myself |GBDVK|


    Wow that took some time! Thoughts?


    Added some songs, am I the only one who thinks any of these would be awesome?


      Who are these bands?


      Just some of my favorites. Give some of the links a listen when you have a minute and see if you like any of them!


      +1 for “In This Legacy” and more Rise Against


      ok. wow. great taste in music my friend. i listened to a lot of these… i’ll pick 2 favorites from each band i liked:

      +1 Time to waste and Back to hell-Alkaline trio

      +1 Hey Homies and Fashion Zombies-Aquabats! (What a cool band by the way, hilarious and fun!)

      +1 They Looked Like Strong Hands and Landing Feet First-Bayside (Hard choice)

      +1 Brand New? seriously I can’t even choose, They all would be amazing addition to rock band.. but if i have to… +1 Ok I believe you but my tommy gun don’t and sic transit gloria.. but seriously i choose all of them if i could.

      +1 T Klines decline and its not over-Days Away

      +1 You’re hand in mine-explosions in the sky (a bit long but thats ok, i would destroy that guitar, it would be awesome!)

      +1 Petrified Life and Simple living-Gym Class Heroes (those other songs are good too)

      +1 The boys are too refined and hospital bed crawl-Hush Sound (another group i had a hard time choosing! good stuff)

      +1 Woman REading and llast lost continent-La dispute… these guys are now one of my new favorites thank you! plus his voice is amazing! so much emotion to go with those amazing lyrics!

      +2 for in this legacy-monty are i

      +1 If we’re all alone arent we… and second chances-october fall

      +1 the evidence and broadcast quality-recieving end of sirens

      +1 injection and life less frightning-rise against

      +1 sea lion and love the lie-sage francis (love the lie would be awesome on all instruments)

      +1 both sea wolf songs

      +1 take it to manhatten and existentialism on prom night-straylight run

      +1 taking back sunday

      +1 red sky and for miles-thrice

      +1 Holding on to you and house of gold-twenty one pilots (good stuff, hard choice) I’d also like to add implicit demand for proof from twenty one pilots

      +1 Dreams and war inside-we came as romans



        Only missing Vocals for my custom of Rise Against’s Injection. Haven’t heard of the rest though.

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