Copypasting a set of notes

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  • #391071

    In a song with a looped drums/keys/bass/what-have-you pattern, is there a way to chart that one part, then copy and paste it elsewhere into that instrument part?


    I’m aware that you can do this with right click and drag, but I’m currently using a trackpad so that’s not doable.


    Mark notes, CTRL+C, click where to start the paste, CTRL+V. Be sure to quantize the notes afterwards as they will go off grid when copypasting this way.

    Mark notes, CTRL+C, click where to start the paste, CTRL+V. Be sure to quantize the notes afterwards as they will go off grid when copypasting this way.


    This isn’t always the case. I always copy and paste like this and only had it go off grid about twice.

    Mark notes, CTRL+C, click where to start the paste, CTRL+V. Be sure to quantize the notes afterwards as they will go off grid when copypasting this way.


    This isn’t always the case. I always copy and paste like this and only had it go off grid about twice.


    Actually, it does 99% of the time, just in such a small manner you don’t notice it normally. Can still cause huge issues though with for example OD not applying to notes properly, stubby sustains, etc.


      Actually, it does 99% of the time, just in such a small manner you don’t notice it normally. Can still cause huge issues though with for example OD not applying to notes properly, stubby sustains, etc.


      What Reaper are you on?

      Actually, it does 99% of the time, just in such a small manner you don’t notice it normally. Can still cause huge issues though with for example OD not applying to notes properly, stubby sustains, etc.

      Agreed. I’m using 4.22. The degree of error seems to depend on how many times you’ve copy/pasted, like copying a copy. The errors appear to compound.


      Actually, it does 99% of the time, just in such a small manner you don’t notice it normally. Can still cause huge issues though with for example OD not applying to notes properly, stubby sustains, etc.


      What Reaper are you on?


      4.22, also this only applies for CTRL+C copying, CTRL+mouse click and drag works perfectly still

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