“EVENT must be at 3:1:000”

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  • #390825
    Divine Smooof

      I’m having an issue where, even though the EVENTS track name is in the correct location, I get the message:


      “ERROR: MIDI Compiler: (EVENTS): MIDI track name event must appear at 1:1:000; found track name ‘EVENTS’ at 3:1:000”




      If I adjust the location of the EVENTS track name within the midi editor, the message doesn’t change either (as in, moving the marking from 1:1:000 to 1:2:000 doesn’t cause the error to say “found at 1:2:000”).


      If I adjust the entire EVENT track to the right (making it so it starts anywhere after 1:1:000), then the location the error finds EVENTS is in the “correct place” (as in, if I slide it to 1:2:000, the error tells me it’s at 1:2:000).


        It’s supposed to be at 1:1:00, not after. It seems you may have read something wrong to make you think it was supposed to be AFTER that point.


        3:1:000 is most likely your [play] event (or idle).


        You put that event in as TRACK NAME.


        Go back to it, and change it to a TEXT EVENT using the drop down menu. I would also go through and check which ones you may have also done.

        Divine Smooof

          The EVENT track name is in the correct position. That’s my problem.


          The only time I can get the error to display anything different is by moving the entire midi, and I know that’s not the correct thing to do.


            If Magma says it’s not in the right place, it’s not in the right place ;-)

            Divine Smooof

                Magma doesn’t lie.

                You’re missing something along the way. Post the MIDI or RPP so someone can check it. If nobody gets back to you before I get home I’ll take a look.

                Divine Smooof

                  Your unnamed track n°34 is filled with text events and has a track name “EVENTS” at 3.1.0., remove it and it should do the trick

                  Divine Smooof

                    Derp. Thank you very much.


                    <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

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