Dryvox added but no lip movement in game

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    First off I apologise if I come across as foolish in this post but please understand that a week ago I was incredibly happy that I could even download customs, nevermind attempt making my own!


    Over the last week I’ve made my first attempt at creating a custom, in an effort not to overwhelm myself I’ve kept things as basic as possible on this first try. My focus has been on creating guitar and bass tracks as these are what I play in game, I rarely play keyboard and I never play on drums.


    I did my song tempo map and I got the guitar and bass tracks to a level where they are enjoyable for me to play in the game, I don’t consider them to be up to the standard I see from the great creators who share work on this forum but for a first attempt I don’t think I’ve done a bad job.


    My problem is with the Dryvox track, I’ve recorded a few different versions now and it still produces no lip movement from my vocalist in game, He moves around like he’s singing and the timing looks pretty good, but no lip movement.


    Is this because i’ve not laid down a full vocal chart? I laid down enough for Magma to register a vocal track but I wanted to avoid doing it on this project as this is just a beginner attempt for me and a few friends and none of us play vocals.


    I read that the game does not draw the lipsync animations from the vocal chart and it gets all the animation cues from the dryvox file? Is this true or am I wasting my time by doing step B when I cannot skip completing step A?


      Is this because i’ve not laid down a full vocal chart? I laid down enough for Magma to register a vocal track but I wanted to avoid doing it on this project as this is just a beginner attempt for me and a few friends and none of us play vocals.


      I read that the game does not draw the lipsync animations from the vocal chart and it gets all the animation cues from the dryvox file? Is this true or am I wasting my time by doing step B when I cannot skip completing step A?


      How much of a vocal track did you lay down? [play] markers present? Is then Vocals selectable as a playable part in game?


      I didn’t lay down much of a vocal track, only the first few sentences of the song. Play markers are present and vocals are selectable as a playable part in game.

        I didn’t lay down much of a vocal track, only the first few sentences of the song. Play markers are present and vocals are selectable as a playable part in game.


        I seem to vaguely remember somebody having this issue before but I can’t remember why…


        Well from experience it seems successful lipsync is a mix of a good dryvox and note placement. Do the vocalist lipsync during the little you have charted though?


        Thank you both for the responses and i’m sorry it’s taken me a few days to get back to you.


        Just to add a quick update, I got the time to work on my track again tonight and I’ve now done a vocal chart for more of the song and the good news is i’m now seeing lipsync in the game on the portions of the track I’ve worked on.


        I’m not sure what did it, charting more of the song, recording a new dryvox or changing my version of Reaper.


        I downgraded to an earlier version of Reaper as I was having problems with lyric note alignment which are much quicker to rectify now.


        The process of charting vocals is easily the most overwhelming part of making a custom for me but from searching the old posts on this forum whenever I encounter a problem i’m learning new things all the time, thank you for putting the knowledge out there to be found.


        I’ve watched some of the great guide videos on Youtube that have been a real help but I’ve personally found that the best knowledge has come from making my own mistakes (and I’ve made many) and learning how to rectify them.


        Thanks again

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