Cons by Ingtail (Electric Six’s “Nuclear War”)

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  • #390205

    Welcome to Cons by Ingtail. I’ll be your guide. I’m mostly doing songs I like while (trying to) keep an ear about the bands that folks want to see more of.



    Nuclear War (On The Dance Floor): … War_rb3con


    FULL BUILD!!! Everything is here for this one. Overdrive, animations, all difficulties for all instruments! No need to sit and wait, hoping it gets a proper update. Have at this blitz of a track!



    Rated Mature for strong language, as I used the uncensored album version.


    Pump It!:


    2/9/15 Update

    — All characters animated

    — EMHX for all instruments!

    — ALL THE OVERDRIVE!!! (OD charted for G/B/D)

    — Lighting and Cameras cues

    — Guitar/Drums tracks tweaked for even more accuracy



    1/1/2k15 Update

    — ALL THE VOCAL OVERDRIVE!!! (With around 100 phrases, there be some Overdrive.)

    — Guitar/Drums tracks tweaked for accuracy

    — Vocal tracks tweaked for dat flow.


    4/22/14 Update (OP)

    — Expert Only!

    — Full Harmony Mix



    Murdertrain a Comin (2x Bass Pedal):

    Murdertrain a Comin (Single Bass Pedal):



    Update 4/22/14:

    Single Bass Pedal is go!

    — Full EMHX charting for all instruments.

    — Drum chart tweaked for better flow.

    — (Slightly) Improved animation.



    4/11 Update (OP)

    NO EASY DRUMS!!! Drums are fully charted for MHX only. All other instruments have full difficulty charted.

    — Animations might still be a little off. Shouldn’t affect anything, but am working on it.




    Hangman’s Body Count (2x Bass Pedal): … ect_rb3con


    1/1/2k15 Update (OP)

    Full Band Expert Only

    — “Single Pedal” Hard Drums

    — Vocal are charted w/ Overdrive




    Never heard of Glamour of the Kill before? That’s cool. If you like Bullet For My Valentine, they’re worth a shot. Here’s the song in preview:

    If you happen to enjoy it, or just want to dominate that guitar solo, here’s the con file.


    Rescue Me (Traditional):

    Rescue Me (2x Bass Pedal):


    1/12/15 Update

    — Single Bass Pedal is go! (FB Expert Only)

    — Hard 2x Bass Pedal charted (it’s the 1x Expert, for those who’d rather have one con file)

    — Drum chart edited slightly.

    — Drum animations (hopefully)



    1/1/2k15 Update (OP)

    Full Band Expert Only (because holy crap!)

    — Full Harmonies are charted w/ Overdrive



    From what I’ve played of it so far, it’s fun. The solos are pretty solid. If any further work gets put into it, I’d suggest making a non-rhythm version that gives you slightly more to do toward the end (if there’s any rhythm chords that can be charted).






    Oooo nice, though why the lack of Easy drums? It’s as easy as literary just copying everything but the kick pedals from Medium, takes 5 seconds <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


    Also I would recommend making both a single pedal and double pedal version, you can compile both at the same time in C3 Magma by having both parts in your MIDI and making the track name for the double pedal version “PART DRUMS_2X” without the quotation marks


      Nice. Dethklok rule.

      Oooo nice, though why the lack of Easy drums?


      The short answer is that I wasn’t expecting a 2x Drummer to even go below Hard for this track. That and the kick notes get kind of compressed as the difficulties go down, obviously. When I work shifting everything for a 1x Kick variant, I’ll be sure to do Easy on 2x Kick.


      If any further work gets put into it, I’d suggest making a non-rhythm version that gives you slightly more to do toward the end (if there’s any rhythm chords that can be charted).


      The Rhythm is active throughout the whole song. If enough folks have any interest in seeing a more traditional guitar charting, I’d be more than happy to do one.


        Thank you for doing more Dethklok. Cant wait to try this out.


        Oh hey. Over 30 downloads. Pretty bitchin. Thanks. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_emot-3.gif” />

        Oh hey. Over 30 downloads. Pretty bitchin. Thanks. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_emot-3.gif” />


        I am seriously shocked more people don’t chart Dethklok.


        4/22 Black and White Update!


        Named as such due to the groups involved having those colors in their names. Full details available in the primary post of this thread.



        A modified version of the original posting of this track. With the modification comes a Single Pedal variant.


        Murdertrain a Comin (2x Bass Pedal):

        Murdertrain a Comin (Single Bass Pedal):



        So I like the Black Eyed Peas. If Snoop Dogg Lion Dogg can have tracks, why not? Rated Mature (Expert Only)


        Pump It!: … er3_rb3con


        Thanks for Updated version of Dethklok song


        Wasn’t White Lies – Farewell to the Fairground a C3 release in like May 2013?

        Checks Database quickly… It was released May 10 2013.

        Wasn’t White Lies – Farewell to the Fairground a C3 release in like May 2013?

        Checks Database quickly… It was released May 10 2013.



        Huh. Well then. I’ll go ahead and pull mine down. Sorry about that.


          Thanks for Pump It!


          Hoping that someone does Let’s Get It Started, at some point, as it was on Band Hero for the DS.


          I’m baaaaaacccccckkkkk!


          *Dr. Evil-style drawn-out menacing laughter*


          Um. Happy New Year! Jesus, its been that long since I’ve uploaded something?! Well this update will fix that.




          With nearly a hundred downloads, Pump it sits as my most downloaded track. So I went back and did some tiding up with it. The vocals have been dry voxxed (though you couldn’t guess as I haven’t added the animation tags yet. But trust me, they’re there.) I also tweaked the charts on vocals, drums and guitar for added flow and/or accuracy.


          NEW TRACKS!


          So yeah. I like some metal. Traditional Metal, Metalcore and Nu Metal tend to be my sweet spot. Glamour of the Kill has been my love since DiRT 2, and Volbeat has entered my radar when ‘Heaven Nor Hell’ started getting radio play. So have my favorite songs from their respective albums.


          – R_Ingtail

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