Happy One-Year Anniversary, C3!

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      Hi guys! Today is our first anniversary, 365 days of awesome customs. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”> We’ve prepared a little something to tell our story and to thank our friends.


      http://customscreatorscollective.wordpr … ersary-c3/


      See you all on Friday for our one-year anniversary release!


        Can’t have an anniversary without some cake, so here we go.



        Oh wait, now I made myself sad <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


        Thank you all so much – this is a site I visit several times a day. The additional content has been great for me and my wife to play, and messing around with authoring is fun as well.


        Congrats on a great first year, and I look forward to another great year!


          Manly tears.


            That was a great read. Can’t wait to see what’s coming on Friday.


            It’s amazing that for the last 6 years, I can wake up Friday morning looking forward to new music. When HMX announced the end, it seemed that was it, but a couple months later I found this place and it feels like it’s always been.


            This site has re-ignited so many people’s love for Rock Band, and introduced so many new players due to variety of content that HMX never had.


            This site has provided so many with enjoyment. Whether they play 1 hour a week or 20, people are having more fun in their lives because of C3, and I think that’s something everyone involved here should always be proud of.


              Congratulations everyone! Go team!



              Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!

              SomeOldGuys: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/someoldguys
              MrPrezident: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/MrPrezident


                Its amazing to see that the C3 team is still committed to bringing weekly releases 1 year later. I hope it never slows down or until Harmonix decides to finally make a RB4 for Xbone and PS4.


                  Happy 1 year Anniversary C3. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> and to many, many more. Cheers!


                  Many thanks to all the contributions you all do. My friends and I have enjoyed rock band sessions that much more with the new content. Keep up the great work guys.


                  Awesome story. I only happened upon the site about 3 weeks or so ago, and in that small amount of time, I”ve seen the amount of work that is done on these custom tracks. I’ve expanded my RB library by about 500 songs in those 3 weeks. All I can say is, from the bottom of my heart, to all those involved in C3 and those who do their own customs, THANK YOU!!! I remember when Rock Band Network started, I actually had a Creator’s Club subscription and was looking at all the authoring tools released by HMX, and I knew then I’d never be able to chart my own songs. So to see that C3 is at over 700 songs, all charted by members of the community here, it’s amazing. Thank you again, to EVERYONE involved. With these tracks, my Rock Band love has been rejuvinated. I look forward to the releases every week. Thank you!!!


                    Thank you to all the authors @ C3 and to all other customs authors. I can not begin to tell you how much this site has ment to me. Congratulations to everyone involved and I eagerly await the 2nd year of C3. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                    Congrats to all the C3, the founders, the authors, the community, to HMX, it’s amazing how this game after the initial release, back in 2007, still provides so much love and passion for it’s users that we refuse to let it die.

                    Even HMX was so wrong when they thought the music had died with the end of official DLC, who knew it was actually the birth of such a strong community which keeps the game alive and kicking.


                    Saludos y Felicidades C3!!!


                    Sending my thanks as well for all you guys do. Here’s to hopefully many more years of customs!


                    Congrats to all the C3, the founders, the authors, the community, to HMX, it’s amazing how this game after the initial release, back in 2007, still provides so much love and passion for it’s users that we refuse to let it die.

                    Even HMX was so wrong when they thought the music had died with the end of official DLC, who knew it was actually the birth of such a strong community which keeps the game alive and kicking.

                    Great post. That was far from the day music/Rock Band died for me. I just wish more people knew about custom songs to be honest. I tell everyone I know about C3 that still have any interest in Rock Band. Some of the people I play with whose only video game experience is playing Rock Band don’t even know this game has pretty much died out as far as official support from the game maker. I spent hundreds of dollars on Rock Band games, plastic instruments and DLC (I started a thread on the Rock Band forums about this too actually) but I look forward to Friday’s even more now because all of the songs are free so I don’t have to cherry pick as much as I used to because of my gaming budget.

                      I spent hundreds of dollars on Rock Band games, plastic instruments and DLC


                      Hundreds? That’s adorable <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


                      Saludos y Felicidades C3!!!



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