Drum Reductions

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      I would like to start doing drum reductions for my past and future songs. I have read all the docs on reducing and a post by Nightmare Lyra. Nightmares post:


      Here is a quick “in most cases” guideline to reductions:

      Hard: seven 8th notes per measure

      Medium: four 4th notes per measure

      Easy: two 2th notes per measure


      Can I use this advice combined with the docs? At the same time I realize this doesn’t cover all songs.

      I would like to start doing drum reductions for my past and future songs. I have read all the docs on reducing and a post by Nightmare Lyra. Nightmares post:


      Here is a quick “in most cases” guideline to reductions:

      Hard: seven 8th notes per measure

      Medium: four 4th notes per measure

      Easy: two 2th notes per measure


      Can I use this advice combined with the docs? At the same time I realize this doesn’t cover all songs.

      This is great to hear you are doing reductions! Another tip with reductions that I hadn’t seen anywhere else (other than posts in these forums somewhere) is there is a keyboard shortcut in Reaper you can use to move all of the notes from one difficulty down a level (expert to hard, etc) after highlighting them (I think) but I don’t remember exactly what it is. I think Alt+D? Sorry I can’t help you with the rest of your question!




          Farottone, what are your thoughts on “Hard: seven 8th notes per measure, Medium: four 4th notes per measure, Easy: two 2th notes per measure”?

          I would like to start doing drum reductions for my past and future songs. I have read all the docs on reducing and a post by Nightmare Lyra. Nightmares post:


          Here is a quick “in most cases” guideline to reductions:

          Hard: seven 8th notes per measure

          Medium: four 4th notes per measure

          Easy: two 2th notes per measure


          Can I use this advice combined with the docs? At the same time I realize this doesn’t cover all songs.


          That guideline is actually for Guitar/Bass/Keys, for drums go like this:


          Hard: manageable version of Expert without ghost hits, 16th’s and quick pedal work, remove kicks from fills in most cases and make any hand crossing wrapped to avoid any crossing at all

          Medium: mostly 4ths (sometimes 8ths in slower songs), no kicks in between time keepers in most cases, no 3 limb hits (for example kick + snare + cymbal)

          Easy: a easier version of Medium with no kick notes ever being played at the same time as a hand hit (for example kick + crash), should either only focus on hands with no kick, or kick and snare without cymbals per section (you can still have crashes and fills in kick+snare sections though as long as nothing is hit with 2 or more limbs at once)


          Really it’s a bit hard to explain, if you get trouble I could make an example picture of how your average basic drum reduction would look like

            Farottone, what are your thoughts on “Hard: seven 8th notes per measure, Medium: four 4th notes per measure, Easy: two 2th notes per measure”?


            NL is extremely competent on reductions, I definitely would support NL’s explanation. The RBN docs also make for a great read. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


              Yes, the docs are our friends! Thanks for the reassurance on NL’s advice. And thank you NL.


              Okay I went ahead and cooked up a example chart of a basic reduction (the tempo is 120bmp):




                A picture says a thousand words. Thank you for the picture and explanation. Very, very helpful and thank you for the effort. I will be posting my first reduced song tonight. Might not be my best choice for a first reduction but I have to start somewhere. Thanks again.

                A picture says a thousand words. Thank you for the picture and explanation. Very, very helpful and thank you for the effort. I will be posting my first reduced song tonight. Might not be my best choice for a first reduction but I have to start somewhere. Thanks again.


                Happy to be of help <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

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